Chapter 2 - Crime Scene (2)

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As soon as Nafisa ran to her room she quickly threw herself on her bed in anger.

Although it wasn't the first time she had argued with her family, it was the first time her father had actually threatened to cut her off. Although she knew it was a little dangerous to be an on-the-scene reporter for crimes in Capital City, it wasn't like she was going without any precautions or knowing what she was getting into.

She was tired of constantly being treated like an idiot by her family. She knew she didn't have powers and couldn't fight villains the same way they could, but if she could expose the little crimes that happened and help to investigate and bring some justice to people, then she would have done her part.

Suddenly, the alarm at the house went off and her phone began beeping. That meant that a level 3 threat was happening.

Quickly throwing on her shoes, she sprinted down the stairs as fast as she could, almost slamming into her brother Randall.

"Hey, what's going on? Any details on why the alarm went off?"

"Go to your room and mind your business Nafi. Nobody has time to deal with you and your questions right now. You heard the signal. Level 3/6 no regulars allowed and any hero in the area needs to help." Randall yelled at her before bumping her out of the way.

"But I want to help!"

"Help by staying home. If I catch you anywhere near the crime scene, I'm telling Dad and he'll kill you."

Before she could say anything to him, he had opened the front door and flew away. Literally flew away. Randall like their father and brother Mason had the power of flight along with super strength and speed. Although he couldn't shoot lightning from his hands like their mother or Allen their eldest brother, he was still a very successful hero especially when people needed rescuing.

Nafisa ran around the house looking for anybody who could all her what was going on, but they had all left out.

"Would it hurt for them to at least tell me what's going on?" Nafisa grumbled to herself as she paced around the living room.

"Wait wait wait. I'm an on-the-ground reporter now. I have a press pass. They couldn't keep me away even if they wanted to. Heh heh heh,"

Laughing maniacally to herself, she ran up the stairs to quickly grab her press pass and taser before rushing out the door into her car, a little red Volkswagen Beetle.

"Come on ladybug. Let's rush to the scene! Reporter Nafi, reporting for duty!"

Pulling up the crime alert on her phone, she saw that it actually wasn't too far from here. Her family lived on the suburban outskirts of Langley Capital City. The crime scene was about 20 minutes away if she followed the speed limit and 10 if she took a few liberties with the law.

It was only a level 3 threat so by the time sh got there, the situation would probably already be handled. If she was lucky, she might actually be the first reporter on the scene and would have the opportunity to announce the case and possibly help the investigation.

With no hesitation, she quickly sped to the scene, making sure to obey all red lights but speeding through everything else. After throwing her car into a parking spot, she slowly walked to the scene, unable to miss it due to the flashing lights of ambulances, cop cars, and sirens. As she approached with her press badge visible, she looked out for her family and anybody she could possibly know.

"Ma'am where are you going." A uniformed officer with a visor stared her down as she approached a section of police tape.

"Hello. I'm journalist Radi, here to take a look at the scene." She held her badge up to him.

The man grabbed and examined the badge before shaking his head.

"No can do miss. This is a level 3 crime scene with several unknown situations with a hard-to-deal-with figure on the loose. No duds allowed. Even if they're press. "

"That's discriminatory. The law says that it's-" Nafisa began to protest.

"At the discretion of the commanding officer. Which would be me. My officer is correct. No duds allowed on my scene tonight."

Naifsa turned to look around and saw a tall man with a fierce face and low-cut brown hair staring back at her. He was wearing a black police uniform but the thing that stood out about him was the bright green brooch on his left shoulder that matched his bright green eyes.

"Police commissioner Falkor. It's a pleasure to see you." I respectfully greeted him while being internally shocked.

"I can't say the same Miss Radi and I'm sure your family feels the same way." He coldly retorted.

"How do you know me?"

"I think it would be more difficult to find who doesn't know you or your family. Speaking of family, I doubt your esteemed father allowed you to be here."

"I'm an adult who is currently working. They have no say in my job."

"And water isn't wet. No reporters allowed.No duds on my scene. Radi. Get out. Office Moore, escort her back to her car."

"There's no need. I can leave myself thank you!"

Without waiting for his response I stomped away angrily.

Once she rounded the corner, Nafisa immediately quieted down and began to sneak around. Something was weird.

Even if this was a level 3 crime scene, it wasn't important enough to draw the police commissioner here. The terms the officer had used 'unusual situations' and 'hard to deal with figure' caught her attention.

There had to be something else going on and she planned on finding out. Even if the commissioner blocked off this side of the road and sidewalk if circled the block, she was bound to find a gap.

As she walked through an alleyway, the street lights around her began to flicker and die off one by one.

She immediately turned on her phone flashlight and froze, spinning around to see if anybody was around her.

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