Chapter 5 - Crime Scene(5)

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Smirking at the enraged look on the commissioner's face, Vincent continued unperturbed, "Shouldn't you be thanking me for doing a good deed rather than pointing your weapons at me, Commissioner Falkor? I even ruined one of my favorite suits by being a good person."

The two men stood at a standstill, Vincent with his umbrella in one hand and a person draped over his other shoulder. Commissioner Falkor with his hands near the weapon strapped to his waist.

As the commissioner's hand twitched, Vincent warned him in a soft, velvety voice, "If you dare move those hands towards your weapon, or any of your people touch the trigger, including the ones behind me, I will have to defend myself. You've seen how that goes, right commissioner?"

"Everyone stand down." Commissioner Falkor commanded with a sigh. Rubbing his forehead, he asked in an irritated voice, "What do you want Mr. Grace? And what proof do you have that you didn't cause any harm to the civilian?"

"Proof? Ah, you'll see once I hand her over I suppose. But I promised I would only hand her over to her parents. She's quite injured, so the sooner they get here the better."

Seeing that the commissioner didn't believe him, Vincent turned around, displaying the bloody face of Nafisa.

"Ah, I suppose she might have a concussion so I shouldn't be dangling her like this. Shouldn't you call her parents over commissioner? I know they're circling the area." He then tilted his umbrella and looked upwards, locking eyes with a man who should be too far to see with his naked eyes.

Smiling gently, he said "I have your daughter. Still not coming down?"

Within three seconds, a large man crashed to the ground, the sidewalk around him shattering due to the impact.

"Vincent Grace! What have you done to my daughter!" Aaron Radi roared in anger. He glared at the softly smiling man who held his daughter like a sack of potatoes.

He was dressed in his hero outfit, a simple skin-tight black suit with a lightning bolt across the front that highlighted his impressive build and height.

"Mr. Radi. Or should I say, Captain? I was taking an evening stroll and happened to see your daughter getting mauled so I rescued her. Really, for such a strong hero, you did a terrible job in training her to use her powers. If I wasn't there. She would have died."

"Hand her over!" Aaron Radi commanded.

"Of course, as soon as you acknowledge that I've done you and your family an immeasurable favor. After all, how can you put a price on a life?"

Hearing the soft threat in Vincent's voice, Aaron immediately hid his anger. Although he wanted to charge Vincent immediately, he needed to make sure that Nafisa was safe first.

"How do I know that you weren't the one who captured and injured her? Last I checked, she was at home"

"You think I kidnapped your daughter from your house?" Vincent burst out laughing. "Either your security is horrendously weak or you overestimate my skills. I was simply in the neighborhood and came across her on my walk. If you don't believe me, check the security footage."

"Either way, I'll have your word before I hand her over. For your information, she's a bit injured so I suggest you make your decision quickly. I'm a busy man you see."

Aaron Radi glanced over at Commissioner Falkor and seeing the man nod, sighed in acquiescence.

"You have my word for a favor, Vincent Grace." He reluctantly spat out. "Hand my daughter over."

"Glad you've come around. As you wish, here is your daughter." Without any preamble, Vincent threw Nafisa's body at Aaron Radi, causing the man to dive as he caught her limp body.

"Although she's healing quite well on her own, I recommend you take her to a healer. You of all people should know how dirty the things you were chasing are. And captain, truly, I recommend you teach your daughter how to use her powers properly. There might not be a Good Samaritan like me to help out next time."

"Powers? What the hell are you talking about Grace? My daughter has no powers!" Aaron cradled Nafisa's body while glaring at the man in front of him.

"Is that so? Your information seems to be outdated. I don't like to interfere with family business but I suggest you clarify that with your daughter when she wakes up. After all, how do you explain that?" Vincent's slender hand gently pointed to Nafisa's face.

Aaron Radi looked down and saw that Nafisa's body was lightly glowing. Right before his eyes, he saw a small cut on her forehead disappear.

"What did you do to my daughter, Vincent?" He looked up and glared at the man.

"All these questions. If someone heard it, they would think I was being questioned or something." Vincent stared at the group coldly before shrugging.

"Still, I've done my good deed and gotten what I needed. Commissioner, if you need a statement from me, you know where to find my lawyer. Have a pleasant evening gentlemen."

He turned and began walking away.

"Vincent Grace. What did you do with the final beast? Why do you insist on wreaking havoc on public safety!" Commissioner Falkor yelled out.

Vincent stopped and glanced back at them, the bright red eyes flashing with a dangerous light.

"Beast? What ever do you mean commissioner? What is it that you think that I've done? Hmm? Rather than hurling accusations and hoping they would stick, why don't you go question your higher-ups and stop wasting my time."

"You're lucky Vincent. If you met me in a different location, I would destroy you." Commissioner Falkor glared in disgust,

"Ah. Ah. Ah. No threats, please. I've told you, either meet me in court with all your ducks in a row or meet me in the arena. If it's a fight you want, I can give it to you, however, you must be prepared to die. I'm not in a habit of stopping when somebody attacks me. I like to thoroughly eradicate them so they can't do it again."

Seeing the two men only glare at him in anger, Vincent only smiled mockingly, "What? You don't want to do that? Then keep your mouth shut with those empty threats."

Laughing to himself, he adjusted his umbrella once more before walking away while whistling.

"Sir? Should we go after him?" An officer hesitantly asked Commissioner Falkor.

"...Stand down. Let's pack up the scene and get out of here."

"Yes, sir."

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