Chapter 29

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He had a boner. Morning wood. I turned bright pink as I rushed out of the room. He had been awake for much longer than me. He had been reading next to me, all while being hard? I couldn't really say how I felt about the situation. But I was definitely not creeped out, which should have been the natural reaction.

I quickly went upstairs, brushed my teeth and got dressed, choosing shorts this time. By the time I got back down, Matt was already preparing breakfast.

„Do you want anything in particular?" He asked, picking the biggest cup possible for his coffee.

„I think I'll have the cereal. You know, the one you described like it would give me an immediate heart-attack?" I smiled, desperate to not make this awkward.

Matt rolled his eyes, but handed me the box of cereal with a bowl and milk.

I noticed that he had thrown away the pudding cup that must have still been on the counter. I was still having conflicting feelings about the way he had acted the night before, which had mostly been overshadowed by fear for Matt up until now. He had been rough and dominant and that should have frightened me. But it hadn't.

„Everything okay?" Matt asked, immediately having picked up on my absent thoughts.

„Nothing, really. Just a little tired." I lied. Matt could tell, I was sure about that, but he did not push any further. I opened the box and, still looking at Matt who was now sitting down across from me, poured the contents into the bowl. I then reached for the milk, noticing how Matts eyes seemed to follow my every motion. I lifted the bottle and began poring, when Matt suddenly put his cup down with just a tad more force than usual, startling me, which in turn caused me to let go of the bottle.
Instead of letting it fall to the ground, my very much useless instincts had me try to catch it, causing milk to spill all over my upper body.

„Fuck. Shit. Stupid ass milk!" I cursed, still having a rather one-sided battle with the beverage.

Matt wordlessly reached over, grabbing the bottle and setting it backdown on the table.

„You really have a problem with liquids in this kitchen." He commented, staring at me. Was he even blinking? It didn't seem like it, his stare was so intense.

„No, they have a problem with me!" I said, looking around for a towel or something.

„Right. I am sure they've got a vendetta against you."

„This is not funny."

„Not at all." He said, eyes following a droplet of milk running down my chest.

Matt grabbed a towel from behind him and handed it to me, watching me clean most of the milk off of me. He then poured the remainder into my cup and handed it to me.

„Don't spill it."

„Oh, eat me, Matt." I said, angrily chomping down on my breakfast. A muscle in his jaw twitched. He probably didn't like it when I sassed him around, but I had had a very shitty night and this was not a great morning either. My whole shirt was drenched.

„You might want to get changed." Matt said in a conversational tone, but his eyes darkened as he stared at my shirt.

„Why, thank you, why didn't I think of that. I am going to, but I don't want my cereal to be soggy."

„That is understandable." He answered. Matt was smirking into his mug and I had the feeling that I was missing something, that he was in on a joke that I didn't get, but I was way too focused on getting this awful breakfast over with to be wondering wether or not I should have been worrying about that.
After I was finished, I got up to put the bowl away and turned to Matt.

„Now I'm changing." I said, already on my way back up.

„Such a shame, this really suited you." Another stupid grin was accompanying his comment.


My shirt had been transparent. Of course it had been. It was freaking white. And I had not been wearing a bra.


„I told you you should have changed." So he knew exactly what I meant. So much about keeping things professional.

„Is this some kind of joke to you? What is wrong with you?"

„Relax, I didn't see anything."

„Oh, you've seen plenty."

„I wasn't even looking."


The same, stupid grin was plastered across his face again. I wasn't even mad at him. Not really. But he still crossed a line and I was going to make him pay for that. He was still sitting in the kitchen, his back turned to me, reading a newspaper. You want to play, Professor Grandt? Let's Play.

I stomped into the small bathroom next to the kitchen and filled bucket with water.

Standing behind him, I lifted the bowl over his head.

„I wouldn't do that if I were you, Hannah." Matt warned. Of course he knew.

Fuck it.

„Well good thing you aren't." 

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