bad things happen*craig*

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      I woke up to Ruby shaking me, "Craig wake the fuck up!" She was sobbing and scared and shaking and screaming. Something was wrong. She ran downstairs. I followed her down the stairs, creaking every step.

      I looked around and saw my mom on the couch. Lifeless. My eyes started to water. I took my phone put of my pocket, fumbled it, then dialed 911.

      I ran over to her and checked for a pulse. She had one but it was weak. Her face was pale. I grabbed her hand and felt something hit my hand. A needle. She was using again. After dad left I knew she slipped but I thought she got clean. I guess not.

     The paramedics burst through the door and got to work. They shot Narcan up her nose and she started to gasp for air. They started to load her on the stretcher. Ruby tried to run to her but I held her back. "She will be ok. Bad things happen all the time. She's strong. No one can tear us apart. Nothing can tear us apart." She looked at me and hugged me.

      "Thanks Craig!" She started sobbing. I took her up to my room and put on a movie. We sat and watched it sharing stories about mom and the fun times we've had. It was agonizing waiting for the call telling us she was ok.

      I was so busy in my thoughts that I didn't see ruby fall asleep. I picked her up and laid her in her bed. I called Tolkien since he would know what to do. I didn't wanna burden Tweek with worrying about me and Clyde would start crying for me.

      Tolkien showed up and I sat with him telling him everything.
"I thought she was clean." I kept repeating.

      "Sometimes people can look better on the outside than the inside." He said.

      "Yes, but you would think I would know my own mother. I mean she raised me after my dad left." My blood boiled.

       "Look Craig you look terrible. You and ruby need to stay home and sleep and comfort each other tomorrow " he added, "do not come to school ok?"

      "Ok" I said. He got up to leave when my phone started ringing. I picked it up. "Its the hospital. He gave a nod and I stood up while answering it.

      "Is this Craig Tucker?" A woman's voice asked gently.

      "Yes, is my mom ok?" I asked hoping for a yes.

      "Your mom has pulled through! She is in a stable condition! You are able to see her." She said. I was speechless. She made it. I start to break down.

      "thank you!" I said then hanging up. "Tolkien you are driving me and Ruby to the hospital! She fucking made it!" He just smiled and nodded. J ran to ruby's bedroom and woke her up. "Hey, mom is awake! You wanna come see her or do you wanna stay here and I can take you tomorrow?"

      "I wanna sleep." I heard her mumble.

     "Ok then love you" I said. I walked back to my bedroom. "Welp its just me and you. Ruby wants to sleep." We walked downstairs and I locked the door. I made sure to grab my keys as well. We hopped in the car and drove to the hospital. Tolkien let me turn on my music. I turned on "Last night I accepted death with open arms" Fitting I know.

      Once we got there I ran to the receptionist and asked which room my mom was in. "736" she said smiling. I thanked her and made my way down the hall. There she was, tubes and all. I ran over to her and hugged her. I felt her pat my back. I am not going to bring up the drugs. Not now.

      Tolkien walked in and told me to relax since I was Stoll hugging her. I released my death grip and sat in a chair next to the bed. "How are you feeling?" I asked.

      "Craigy, honey, I am so sorry. I should never have even bought them. This is my fault. I needed to get clean because you guys need me." She started to cry. I just looked at her blankly.

      "Mom, its ok. It's all ok. Where are they. I will dispose of them."

      "No, I will, it will give me closure." I guess that makes sense.

      "Lets get back to Ruby." Tolkien states. I roll my eyes, kiss my moms forehead, and head out.

       Once we get home I see a cop car in the front. I hear sirens. I see Ruby. She was being taken to the car. An officer walks up to me. "Are you Craig Tucker?"

      "Yeah, what are you doing with my sister?"

      "We are taking her into the system. She's younger than 16 so she is endangered.(wattpad logic pleas bare with me) Once we know your mom is clean, she can have custody back." I felt my blood boil. I stumble back into Tolkien. He shushes me and takes me back to the car. I get in and punch the dash. I slam my head into it and cry. I cried so hard. For at least an hour.

      "Take me to Tweek's please." I don't know why but I felt that I need Tweek for this. We drive to Tweek's and I knock on the door after waving to Tolkien. His mom answers. She is in her night robe with bags under her eyes.

     "Oh, hey Craig." She looks at me and just knows. "Tweek is in his room hon'." I whispered a thanks and run upstairs. Tweek is on his bed. He shuts his laptop, takes his ear buds out and stands up.

      "Are y-you ok?" I walk up to him hug him and start to sob. I couldn't make sense of reality. Eventually we had fallen onto the bed and I fell asleep. I dreamt of when dad was still home and Ruby was still a baby. Before the alcohol. Before the divorce. Before the depression. Before the drugs. Before everything.

Comets and Coffee BeansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora