Fuck you! *Tweek*

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      Trigger warnings:
Sexual assault
Self harm

      "Hey, w-wake up!" I tell Craig. I shake him awake. His cheeks are bright red from the crying. He gets up and stretches.

      "Do I need to go?" He asks pleading. I look at him and shake my head no.

      "You n-need to go to school. Clyde is worried sick. Tolkien is w-wondering if you are ok. Also Clyde told me t-to tell you onions with pineapples wi-with a question mark." I say curiously. I have no clue what that meant so I add. "What does that e-even mean?"

      "Tweek sit down" He says gesturing to the bed. "I used to... Uhm... Well... Uhh..." He lifts up his sleeve revealing layers of scars. Some old some older. No new ones atleast. I start to tear up. "Yeah.. But I'm ok now. I'm on meds. Which reminds me. You need to take yours!"

      "Craig, why d-didn't you tell me?"

      "I didn't want to burden you. You have enough going on right now."

      "What the f-fuck do you mean. I have strict p-parents and school. You have gone through losing y-your dad, this, and wh-whatever happened last night. Based on how you acted last night something ha-happened." I say pointing to his arms and his face.

      "Tweek yesterday..." He trails off, and starts to form tears. "My mom overdosed. My sister got taken to the foster care center. And all this while I was thinking about." He takes his finger and drags it on his arm. I flinched when he did this.

      I hug him and just sit there. Eventually I get up and say, "L-Lets go to sch-school. Sounds like you need to t-talk to Clyde." I still am trying to figure out how he was functioning. How can someone go through all that and function? I texted Butters and asked him to bring some ice cream to school and that I can cashapp him later.

      Once we got there, Butters came and gave Craig his ice cream. He just said thanks and started snacking on it with the small spoon he got.

      Clyde and Tolkien met Craig at his locker. I went to mine. He doesn't need me right now. I was probably the last choice to stay the night at. He probably thought I was the easiest because I stay up so late.

      Breaking my silence I hear, "Hey faggot! How's life treating ya? Hopefully like the worthless piece of shit you already are." I hear Eric say. He starts laughing.

      "How's you st-stomach blocking the entire f-fucking hallway? Huh? That's what I th-thought bitch. Go fuck Heidi in the b-bathroom again. Fucking wh-whore." Im so sick of him stepping all over me. I finally just snapped. "Who you calling f-faggot? D-Didn't you sexually assault B-Butters in 4th grade?"

      I began to walk away when I hear Eric cussing me out. I just flipped him off and walked to class.

      When I got to my class I took my phone out and started listening to Panic! At The Disco. When I see a familiar orange parka sit next to me. Kenny. "Did you mean to embarrass Butters?"

      "N-No. did I?"

      "Yeah, he got really red and ran to the bathroom."

      "Shit" I get up and run to the bathroom. I hear sobbing and I run to the door and slip under it. "Hey B-Butters! Im so s-sorry! I didn't meant to embarrass y-you!"

      "Its ok fella. It just brings up some memories." He says looking at his shoes looking like he wants to die.

      "Stay in here. Skip class. Cartman can go fuck himself." He nods so I get up and make my way back to class. I thought about the dance thats happening in a month. Its supposed to be space themed. Craig would like that. I wonder who he's taking. I bet its fucking Wendy. Since she got dumped by Stan for Kyle she's been a slut.

      When I got to class the teacher started getting on me for not showing up to class on time. I just said, "S-Sorry but a friend needed an apology." I say sitting down and started twiddling my thumbs. I glance over at Craig. He's taking to Clyde. He looks super serious.

      Once class was over we made our way to lunch. I stopped by the restroom just to see if Butters was there. I walked to his stall. I see fresh blood. No one was there.

       I got to lunch and found Butters. "Did you h-have a cut or s-something?"

      "I found blood in your stall. It looked fresh.

      "Jeez I left shortly after you did. It couldn't have been me." He looked innocent. I believed him. I just nodded and walked away. I kept thinking about the scene. Who could it be.

      I got my lunch and sat down. "Craig, I found blood in the bathroom. Was it you?" I whisper

      "No it wasn't. That's kind of creepy."

      "Yeah. Hey Craig."

      "Can I lay my h-head on your l-lap? I actually f-feel sleepy. And I r-ran out of coffee since I forgot to bring e-extra."

      "Yeah that's fine." He says. I do so and fall asleep.

      I wake up to Craig saying lunch was over. "Tweek wanna hang out with me, Clyde, Tolkein, and Jimmy tonight. We are gonna hang out on the schools roof. There's supposed to be a lunar eclipse."

      "Yeah, I can be there." I knew full well I couldn't but its fine. I can sneak out.

      After school ended I made my way home. When I walked inside, my dad was there. He was super drunk. I just ran past him, up the stairs, and I to my room locking it. I am not dealing with his bullshit. I text Craig and ask him what time. He says 8pm and he will come pick me up.

      I start to pack my blankets and my coffee thermoses. Tonight is gonna be an amazing night I think to myself. I hop on Netflix and watch Young Royals.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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