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"i hate showers in the morning. this morning, i tried to be aesthetic and shit like the others and had a morning shower. and while i was putting shampoo in my hand, my eye was itchy. so what did i do? i rubbed my hands together to get the shampoo everywhere and i fucking ruBBED IT AND GOT SOAP IN MY EYE." beomgyu rambled on about how his day started, shoving some random book he didn't need in his locker.

but his friends weren't looking at him, but behind him.

"i can see your friends falling asleep already, chatterbox." yeonjun scoffed as he stood behind beomgyu next to his locker, towering over him.

beomgyu froze, his mouth open because he was about to talk but yeonjun cut him off. he turned around and looked at yeonjun, offended.

"what is your problem, bro." he clenched his fists.

"you. you're my problem." yeonjun pushed his chest, sending him stumbling back.

"what the fuck?" beomgyu said, irritated. he glared at yeonjun before pushing him back, barely doing anything though.

"all you got, choi?" the older looked down on him, smirking,

"i can say fuck you in two languages, if that's what you want. fuck you, and," beomgyu flipped him off, turning back to his friends and taking them somewhere else.

"that kid's sure somethin'." yeonjun clicked his tongue.

beomgyu was walking very fast, so fast his two friends could barely keep up while he dragged them. well, maybe not taehyun. taehyun practically lived in the gym.

"b-beomgyu! just- calm down, for a second!" his other friend, hueningkai, panted.

upon hearing hueningkai's request, he stopped. the youngest of the three rested his hands on his knees, catching his breath.

"hyung, why don't you just forgive yeonjun already? i mean, was the rumor that bad?" taehyun asked while opening a new water bottle for hueningkai.

"yes, it was! it almost ended my career before it started!" beomgyu whined.

"what rumor are you guys gossiping about?" hueningkai finally stood up straight, wincing at the pain from his back being bent for so long.

"hueningkai, don't-" taehyun tried to warn before beomgyu explained the story again.

beomgyu sighed, sitting them both down. "so, it all started in middle school.."

when beomgyu entered the campus, he could see that everyone's eyes were suddenly on him. he felt a big wave of anxiousness drown him. did he do something bad? no, there's no way.

he doesn't know why, but he kept his head down while he walked to his lockers. what was there to be embarrassed about? he was about to open his locker until he heard someone gossiping about whatever was going on. maybe eavesdropping is okay for this one situation.

"y'know that really smart kid, beomgyu? well, i heard he just copied off of soobin's whole essay." he heard someone scoff. he clenched his fists. what the fuck? he worked on his essay. it hurt him to hear everyone ignore his hard work and say he copied off of someone. he turned around slowly to look at the group of friends who were already staring at him.

"that's not true at all. i worked my ass off on that essay, who told you that?" he felt miserable when the group laughed at him, but he had to keep his chin up high.

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