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finally, school is finished. what a blessing! but, even better, yeonjun knows beomgyu's address now. should he go bother him now? or tomorrow?...

umm.. you know what? yeah, he'll definitely go today. what's the harm in going?

holy fuck. this was definitely the harm. he just walked half a mile to find the so called 'rich white house around the corner' hueningkai described. this was a rich ass neighborhood as well. you best BELIEVE yeonjun's gonna be trick or treating here this year. he's getting extra candy guaranteed because, as you already know, he's gonna have the best outfit of them all. fuck all those kids. yeonjun's taking all their candy.

he entered the property and looked around. ugh, rich people ick him... he can literally spot a big ass pool right behind their house. do they even use it? maybe he could get beomgyu to let him swim in it.

he rolled his eyes and reached their porch. he stared at the door for a fat second before knocking.

doot doot doot doot doot doot doot, doot doot doot doot DOOT Doot doot doot doot doot..

oh my god, why isn't anybody opening the door for him? do they want him dead by the time they open the door or something? come on man!

yeonjun knocked one more time loudly and waited. then, somebody finally opened the door for him. FINALLY!! if he had known they would take this long, he would've been better off breaking in.

it was a middle aged woman who looked like beomgyu. probably.. no, definitely his mom.

"hi, are you beomgyu's sister?" he knows damn well who she is, but he still smiled at her. this always gets them, and he needs to get on her good side IMMEDIATELYY.


"oh, really? you just looked so young." he pretended to be surprised.

"thank you, hun." she smiled. what the fuck? even her smile was like beomgyu's. why are they lowkey twins?

"can.. can i come in?" yeonjun blinked nervously. to be honest, that was a weird ass question to ask a stranger and he knows it. but, YOLO!

"yes, dear. come on in," she chuckled.

yeonjun mentally cheered and came in.

"so, you're here for beomgyu, correct?" she shut the door and went to the kitchen.

"yes, ma'am. i'm his partner for a project in class." yeonjun fixed his posture and spoke kindly to her. it hurt him to do so because she looked like a female beomgyu. it was like.. he was being nice to beomgyu.. ew!!

"ah.. i got the phone call from your teacher. your name is yeonjun?" said boy hummed in agreement. she nodded and spoke again. "okay, you can go upstairs and wait for beomgyu. he should be in his room."

"thank you." yeonjun smiled and went over to the stairs. as soon as he turned his back, his smile faded. fuck. this was a long ass staircase..

he slowly walked up the stairs, already feeling tired from the first set. it was like the stairway to heaven, holy shit. he had to stop for a second.

he continued his adventure, climbing his way to beomgyu's room for like, two minutes. thankfully for him and his feet, he made it to the top of the stairs.

oh fuck.. there were so many rooms. which one was supposed to be beomgyu's?

he looked around the hallway until he saw a door with a sign.

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