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After they finished performing, they looked behind them as the door turned dark showing a more mature looking Ayano at the age of nineteen.

Ayano was singing to herself as she was working at the small shop, singing along to the music that was playing through the stores radio. One of her fellow associates had turned the music down as a prank to get her off guard only for someone to go up to Ayano as the song ended. "You have an amazing voice, have you thought about becoming an idol?"

Ayano looked stunned and flabbergasted to hear that someone wanted her to be part of a group. "I...I haven't. I didn't think I'd have what it takes. I have asthma and it would hold me back."

"Even so, there are out there that have that fall back that are still idols. I'd love it if you'd be the leader of my newest group."

She blinked her golden eyes a few times before she smiled. "Okay...I can give it a try. Where do I have to go?"

"Follow me, I will be showing you where the studio is."

Ayano nodded her head before she told her fellow associate that she quits and threw her badge and apron to the side before she left out with the male who went up to her. The male spoke to her about what would be expected of her, which were common sense things, which were basic things for her to remember. She was shown around before told to wait in a room for the other three people who would be part of the group with her. The first she saw was Mika who was happy to meet her and greeted her with a smile.

"Hiya, I'm Mika! Nice to meet ya! What's your name?"

"I'm Ayano."

"Ayano-sounds like a pretty name. Our you the leader of the group?" Mika asked

She nodded her head. "Is that a bad thing?"

"Nopes! I was just curious that's all."


It wasn't long after that conversation that Akara and Liya came in together. When they did Liya's parents came in after her, the duo glared when they saw that Ayano was in the room. Liya on the other hand was happy to see her sister. "Sissy!!!!"

Liya instantly went up to Ayano and hugged her tightly tackling her down to the ground making both of them be on the ground since Ayano didn't expect to be tackled down by her adopted younger sister. "H-Hey Liya, Mind getting offa me?"

"Sure! Sorry, I've just been so worried about you sissy! Mom and dad said you ran off."

Akara scoffed. "Wow, what a cover up."

Mika was confused. "W-wait what's going on here...I-I'm confused."

As Liya and Ayano got up, Ayano looked to Mika. "Don't worry Mika, it's nothing you need to concern yourself with." She said before she looked at Liya's parents. "Why are you here? I didn't think they allowed garbage to be here."

"That's why we are here-to make sure garbage like you don't get anywhere near our precious angel. Now she needs to make sure to shower when she gets home after she touched you." Liya's father stated

Liya's eyes widen stunned to hear the words that came out of her father. "F-Father...w-why would you say that to sissy?! Sissy hasn't done anything wrong!" Liya said as she hugged Ayano's arm

Ayano hissed out in pain before she pulled away from Liya. "P-Please...d-don't..."

Liya frowned as she looked at her sister. "A-Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?"

"I just have a bit of pain in my arms nothing too bad."

"We don't want you to be around our precious angel! Leave!" Liya's mother hissed out coldly

Ayano just shook her head. "I'm not doing that. I was picked out by the person who runs this company for a reason, you have no say in what happens to me now. You haven't for the last almost ten years now. Get over yourselves already."

After that the screen disappeared and the doors lit up. "So the only one who doesn't know ayano personally is Mika. For how close to the two of you are that's a bit of a shocker." Ren said amused

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