Book two: 29

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After Trigger had closed out for Sweet Angels the girls were waiting for the boys outside of their changing room. Gaku looked at Ayano confused. "Babe what's going on here?"

"There was a slight issue that happened earlier and I need it resolved before this continues on."

"Okay? What issue would that be?" Gaku asked

"Mika here went to find you and Tenn about the sudden thing of you boys opening and closing for us. She had knocked on your dressing room door. She got no answer, so she went in and found Ryu changing. It has made her mind completely fuzzy because of it." ayano said with her arms crossed as Mika was hiding behind her as Liya was beside Ayano in case something bad happened.

Ryu let out a sigh as he looked at Mika. "I'm sorry I didn't hear that you knocked, I had ear buds in Mika. I hadn't thought anyone would come into the dressing room which was why I had them in. I didn't even know you came into the room until I saw from one of the mirrors that the door shut."

Mika averted her amber eyes as she frowned. "Don't you think that it's a bit of a bad idea to wear ear phones in a place where there's a lot of people? Especially if you are on the job as an idol? What if someone needed your attention? How could they get your attention if you had those in?"

Tenn looked at Ryu shaking his head. "I have to agree with Mika on this subject. I get wanting to listen to music while you change, but you shouldn't have closed off hearing your surroundings like that."

Gaku rubbed between his eyes. "That is a bit of an issue." He said with a sigh before he looked at Ryu. "You need to be more aware of your surroundings, please until this concert week is done don't do that. Who knows what'll happen throughout this week."

Ryu frowned but nodded his head. "Alright, I won't." He said before he looked back at Mika. "I apologize Mika, I never meant for things to get that weird."

She looked back at him and frowned "You're long as it doesn't happen again...okay?"

"Mhm, I can do that not a problem."

Liya and Ayano moved away from the door. As Ayano moved so did Mika as she held onto Ayano's arm tightly. The boys were allowed into their dressing room, which once they were in Ayano looked at Mika. "I have to you have a thing for him is that why you are so damn flustered about it?"

Mika frowned but nodded her head. "Even if I do...I don't know if he'd ever give me the time of day."

Ayano's golden eyes widened hearing what Mika said. "No shit..."

"I wonder if Gaku's father would allow Mika and him to date, I get it's one thing if it's his son and you for tabloid sake...but Ryu and Mika? Would he actually allow them to physically publicly show that they are an item together?" Liya asked concerned

Ayano looked at Liya "That would become an issue, let's get going and while Mika drives us back home I'll see if I can get in contact with Gaku's father."

Liya nodded her head before the three girls left out, Mika drove the three of them to their apartment while Ayano did contact Gaku's father. 

"Good Evening Ayano, I was wondering when I'd hear from you or my son."

"Well Gaku really doesn't like talking to you unless he has to...You know that. I have a few questions I'd like to ask you."

"I can only imagine so if you're calling me so late, what is that you wish to ask me Ayano?"

"Well the first question I have for you is why now are you having TRIGGER open for Sweet Angels? I had asked for this week to happen to PROVE to Tenn that Liya was a good idol and knew what she was doing."

Yosuke let out a small chuckle before he spoke up. "I am aware of why you asked for what you had. But I am an equal opportunist when it is beneficial to those who work for me. Anyways, what better way to see just how well Liya and the rest of you are as idols than to see just how you girls work behind the stage."

Ayano shut her eyes and let out a sigh. "I guess that makes a lot of sense to do. Now onto my second question. Would it be alright with you if the other girls of Sweet Angels dates or am I the only one who is permitted to date?"

"That is a strange question to ask me, your personal life is your personal life and that goes the same for your team mates. I merely pushed my son onto you because of the link I had with your mother and father-nothing more. I had no idea if you two would actually mesh together or not. It was a gamble I was willing to do which worked in my favor."

Ayano's eyes widened hearing what he said. "R-Really? T-That's something I hadn't expected to hear out of you."

"Well it's the truth I won't get involved in any of your private lives. I merely as if you do anything to harm my sons image to part ways with him if it happens."

"If it happens I will do so as calm as I can, but I doubt that'll ever happen."

"As long as it is known."

"Next question sir, Just what will you have us all do after what the girls are doing with Ashia?"

"It depends on sales. Ashia has already told me that the commercial that Tenn and Liya had done is already out. I've been keeping an eye on the sales of what they had done and it's rising rather steadily. Not as quick as what happened with my son and you, but steady enough. Then again she had posted it while you all were performing, no doubt all of those who are fans of all of you won't be able to see the commercial until later tonight. Before you all get to the venue I'd like to see the six of you here if you could make sure that TRIGGER knows that as well."

"Yeah, sure thing. I can make sure they know sir. That's all that I have to ask you. Have a good evening sir."

"You as well Ayano. Rest up for tomorrow."

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