Book Two:14

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After having dinner with the boys, they walked back to the company building with Kaoru took the boys home and Ayano took the girls home. While the girls were going home Mika spoke up. "Hey Aya?"

"Hm? What's up Mika?"

"Have you heard anything from Mr.Yaotome about us getting a new Manager?"

She shook her head no "I was told by Gaku that because of what had happened with my father he was jailed so I don't know what will happen to us now. For now we just need to deal with the situation as it is without a manager. After you contact your friend I'll see what I can do about getting us a manager from Mr. Yaotome."

"Okay, when you know something you'll let us know right?" Mika asked

At a red light Ayano smiled at Mika. "Of course, I'd never hide anything from you girls."

Once the light changed her phone rang so she had Mika answer the call and placed it on speaker. "Ando Ayano speaking." Ayano spoke

"Miss Ando, it has come to my attention I haven't introduce you girls yet to your manager who has yet to meet you girls. Do you think that tomorrow at noon you girls can drop by my office so I can have you girls meet your new manager?" Mr. Yaotome asked

Ayano smiled before she spoke up "Of course, I can be sure that we'll be there at Noon. thank you for contacting me. I'll be sure that my girls are aware of it and are in the loop of things."

"Thank you that's all I wish to talk to you about, have a good evening."

"You do the same sir."

Once the line was dead, Ayano looked at Mika with a smile. "Looks like we get an answer to your question without me having to say a word to him."

"No kidding."

When Ayano got to the apartment she looked behind her to where Liya had been sitting to see that she had fallen asleep, she sighed out and looked at Mika. "Mind helping me out with the child?"

"sure thing."

The two of them got out and worked together to get Liya inside of the apartment, once she was in Ayano locked her car and then locked the house. As She was getting herself ready for bed she had another call which confused her only to see that it was Gaku which made her smile as she placed it on speaker. "Heya Gaku, this is rare."

"Yeah I know, I apologize for calling so late Ayano. But I just got off of the phone with my father, he talked to you earlier about your new Manager right?"

"Mhm, he had. He said he wanted Sweet angels to be at the office at Noon tomorrow why ask?" Ayano asked as she was stripping herself of her clothes she wore that day

"Well I know who is your new manager, I don't want you to be taken advantage of. You are a rather beautiful woman, anyone who doesn't know you girls will try to take advantage of you girls."

Ayano stopped getting her pajamas on as she heard him speak. "Y-You...You think I'm beautiful Gaku?"

He let out a chuckle before he spoke. "Of course I do darling. You realize that I stood up for my father for a reason right?"

"Y-Yeah you said you loved me." She said flustered as she messed with the bottom of the pajama top she was wearing

"I do love you, I adore the hell out of you. I'll do anything to make sure you are well and happy. I saw you at your happiest when you were around me."

Ayano finished getting herself dressed before she hugged her plush tightly to her chest and placed her face against it. "Y-You are too observant of me." She whined out

"That may be true, but it's only for your best interest Ayano." He said with an amused chuckle

"S-So who is this new manager my girls and I will be meeting tomorrow afternoon?"

"His name is Ito Hitori, he has been a general manager up till now for the industry building. My father talked to him two months ago when the movie first started up for us. Ito Hitori agreed to be you girls manager under the understanding that he was to 'shape' you girls to be what the company stands for. Which is bull shit, you girls are fine as you are. It'll be a test to see if you girls can stand up for yourselves." Gaku said seriously

Ayano shut her eyes and sighed out. "Very well then, I'll do what I can to make sure that things aren't to hellish tomorrow. Will TRIGGER be there tomorrow?"

"Sadly no, so please let me know what happens tomorrow Ayano."

"Sure thing. Thank you for the warning Gaku."

"Of course, I wouldn't want you to have an anxiety attack because of what will happen come tomorrow."

"I greatly appreciate the concern that you have for me and my mental state. It's rather nice to know that at least one male does." She said sincerely as she shut her eyes while she spoke

"I don't know what all you dealt with before me, but I assure you that I'll always have your best interest in mind Ayano. Now please rest up for tomorrow I wouldn't want you to be grumpy when you meet your new manager."

"Okay, I will. Goodnight Gaku."

"Good Night Ayano, I love you."

She happily smiled and hugged her plush tightly "I...I love you too Gaku."

Gaku ended the call and she plugged her phone in before she squealed out giddy hearing the last words that Gaku said to her.

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