Book Two:6

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Ayano sighed out "I had to talk a lot just to get those morons to realize how fucked up things were."

"Did you get an apology from Eiichi and Kira?"Liya asked

She scoffed "Hell no. And I didn't expect one either. Why the hell would I get an apology from those two morons. They obviously have pride sticks up their arses."

Mika frowned "Is that why you wanted to go alone?"

"No, the reason I wanted to go alone is because I wanted to be sure that you girls didn't get flack for standing up for me. Plus it was an issue I had to deal with on my own as an adult. You two had no reason to go with me. I made damn sure your things were taken care of properly."

"So what did you do to all of the things you had of Kira that you hid for so long?" Liya asked curiously

"Broken and trashed." She stated firmly

Liya blinked her eyes a few times. "Well shit. You really didn't like what he did, did you?"

"Tell me Liya, do you have someone you fancy right now?"

"Um...would I get yelled at if I told you that I do?"

"Nope, you're an adult who can love whoever the hell you want. That goes the same for Mika. You two are old enough to love and be around whoever you want."

Liya let out a small breath of relief before she looked at her sister. "If that's the case then to answer your question, I do....Nakido Yamato."

"I thought I saw you eyeing him before." she teased her younger sister "But no matter, say he was infatuated with you. Or better yet he made up a version of you that's washed up if he only about the you that you had made up on stage. Would you like it if he tried to place moves on you when you know next to nothing about the guy?"

Liya averted her eyes sadly as she looked down sadly "No...I wouldn't want that. I would want nothing to do with the guy if that happened." She said before she looked at Ayano " that's what happened."

"Yeah, we're not going to have any communication with HEAVENS from here on out. They are a bunch of immature brats and I refuse to deal with that. Luckily the three males we were introduced to yesterday were sweet hearts and have been so far. I'd like to hope that they'd be better than those we have surrounded ourselves with thus far."

"You're speaking about STARISH and Quartet Night aren't you?" Mika asked

She nodded her head. "Mhm, I am. What purpose is it to be friends with people if they aren't going to talk to me about what has happened. It's like they are just going to accept that Sweet Angels had no choice in the matter than to be around Raging Entertainments disappointments."

"Do you think that you'll ever talk with those guys again?" Liya asked sadly

"We both know that Kotobuki Senpai was rather keen on keeping you alive."

Ayano shrugged her shoulders. "They are full grown damn adults. If they cannot come up to me on their own and figure things out on their own instead of going with gossip they are no better than teenagers in school Especially Kotobuki. He acts like he's still a damn teen when he's pushing towards his thirties."

At that time the girls got their food and it was quiet between them for a bit before Liya nudged Ayano making her look at her with a curious look upon her face. "what's up?"

"I just got a text from Kurosaki senpai."Liya stated showing her phone to her sister

|Kurosaki Senpai: Liya, think you can talk with Ayano about seeing Quartet Night and STARISH for a bit of time today? We need to talk about what's been going on. Rumors or not-she's our friend as are you and Mika. We don't want to cut ties if we don't need to.|

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