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After the other two girls were introduced to the three males for HEAVENS, the nine of them were told what they were going to be working on. It was supposed to be a commercial showing that the three agencies were going to be doing a full blown concert together. Hearing what she had-Ayano spoke up.

"If it's for all three agencies-shouldn't someone from QUARTET NIGHT be here as well, not just three males from STARISH?"

The person in charge looked a bit taken back at her question before he cleared his throat. "I...I didn't think about it like that."

She crossed her arms as she narrowed her golden eyes at the male. "As the leader of Sweet Angels-I refuse to do anything without proper management. If I am to show that I am working with Shining industries and Raging industries I'd like All parties for those agencies present. Not just half of one of them." She said before she looked at Mika and Liya. "Let's go, until this idiot choses to do right we're leaving."

Liya looked concerned. "U-uh..i-is that really a good idea sis?"

Ayano sighed "If you want to be here and do something half assed that's on you. One of the boys at the least from QUARTET NIGHT should be here. I know fans will be mocking the commercial because of the fact that no one from that group is here. I know how fans work-I know that they will not be happy not seeing their favorite idol on screen." Ayano said before she walked off

Liya was mixed but Mika walked with her knowing just where she was coming from. Liya sighed out. "Darn it sis! what is with you today?!" Liya shouted before she rushed to catch up to the two other females

Otoya, Ren and Masato all were stunned to see just how different ayano had acted. "Well that's different." Ren stated shocked

"No kidding." Masasto said with a nod of his head

"I wonder what's gotten into her, she isn't like that usually." Otoya said sadly

"She has a point though." Eiichi said with a shake of his head "If we're all supposed to promote something for our agencies-all groups of those agencies should be present. Not just part of one of them."

"should we tell him about this?" Van asked Eiichi

"We should, let's go."

"W-Wait...guys c'mon you can't seriously be agreeing with one stupid female!" The manager complained

Eiichi stopped walking and looked behind him to the manager "We work to please our Angels, all of them would be disappointed in us working on something half assed. HEAVENS may not know miss Ando personally, but from what we've seen so far she's the smartest person here. Until you right your wrongs you aren't getting HEAVENS to work with you."

With that he continued walking with his hands in his pockets. The three males for HEAVENS went to where they saw Ayano, Mika and Liya only to see that Liya was trying to convince Ayano to change her mind. "...isn't that bad! You can't seriously be saying that you aren't going to work!"

"Let me place this into a way you'll understand, what if we worked with Tsukino productions and we only worked with Procella and not Six Gravity when it's supposed to be all of that production studio. What would you think about that?" ayano said seriously

Liya frowned as she looked down. "O-Oh...when you place it like that...that-that'd be messed up."

"Exactly, now I've told our manager about what's going on and he has agreed with me. He is talking with Shining on the phone right now. Hopefully Shining can convince one of the boys from QUARTET NIGHT to come here and represent them."Ayano said seriously with her arms crossed as she looked at Liya

Mika then spoke up. "Do you think the person in charge did this on purpose?"

"I don't know-but it's annoying." Ayano said seriously

"You know you're the first female we've worked with that has the guts to speak up like that." Eiichi said amused

Liya and Mika moved to the side as they heard Eiichi speak. Ayano tilted her head to the side slightly. "Is that so? Are females you work with usually air heads?"

"That or mindless dolts." Kira commented

Ayano let out an amused scoff. "Wow, well that's not going to happen being around me I can assure that. Mika and Liya aren't as smart as me but they have the common sense to listen to reason."

"Isn't there a forth member of the Sweet Angels?" Kira asked

Ayano nodded her head. "Yes, she's still a student in school so she is currently studying and doing her homework."

"We overheard you speaking to one another, do you believe your manager can get shining to comply?" Eiichi asked

"I'm not sure, but I hope so." She said with a shrug "If not I'm having my group leave and on strike until he does comply."

"Don't you think that's a bit much?"van asked

Ayano sighed out as she face palmed herself. "Why must people question me?" She muttered before she looked straight at van with a stoic expression on her face. "If you cannot see what is right in front of you then you need to leave all decisions to your leader. I will not be speaking or working with someone who doesn't have the brain compacity to understand what is going on and how it'll affect the people around them."

At that time the girls manager had came back. "Well girls, it seems like Shining isn't going to have anyone of quartet night be here-even though they are involved too."

Ayano looked to her father and shook her head. "Then can we leave? I do not feel comfortable shooting a commercial about working with two studio's if one of them isn't going to comply with having someone from all of their groups be in it."

"Sure then Ayano, I can understand why you would. I was going to suggest it. So I'm glad you can understand that much. Let's go girls."

Liya and Mika nodded their heads in agreement before the four of them left out. Van and Kira looked at Eiichi. "What do we do now with them gone?" Van asked

"I'll call my father, see what he wants us to do." Eiichi said seriously

When the three girls got to the dorms Ayano went to get something to eat while the other two talked about what they would do. As Ayano ate she saw that she had a call from Reiji so she answered it. "Afternoon Reiji Senpai."

"Hey ayano...are you okay? Otoya just called me saying that he had seen you and the rest of Sweet Angels leave the set you guys were on." He asked concerned

She sighed out as she leaned against her arm. "I'm fine, it's that stupid commercial manager and Shining that is annoying me. They are seriously bent on not having any of you guys for QUARTET NIGHT be on the set when it's supposed to be a trio collab for studios. If I am going to say that I am working with Shining and Raging studios then I want to be able to be around everyone from both studios. Not just some half assed bull shit that happened."

Reiji sighed out. "I had made that mention before-looks like I'm not the only one who thought that it was messed up."

"Sweet Angels aren't doing anything with Shining until he mans up and does what he needs to do properly." Ayano said seriously

"Alright then, I'll see what QUARTET NIGHT can do."

"Thank you Senpai. Oh before you hang up-I gotta ask when you boys were in that unknown dark place the other day...when you all sang to me, just how many of you actually sang because you have a crush on me?"

Reiji was quiet which made her realize that she was digging herself a rather deep hole. She sighed out. "Let me tell you something that I told Otoya, Masato and Ren-I'm not being with anyone who doesn't know how to keep a promise. So let go of whatever you feel for me-I'm not interested." She said before she hung up.

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