Chapter six (The meeting)

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Y/n's pov

The crow raised a brow "oh? And what is it?" He ask,eager to hear what i have to say.

"Well i was told that the hero committee has a new play toy their gonna use on us, it's a gun that shoots out goo.And if you get hit, you'll be stuck in place and probably get arrested..."I spill the information lucifer has entrusted on telling me,which was a big mistake.

"And if you'll are planning on attacking l'manburg on independence day,then that better be a full proof plan.Because they're already planning on ambushing us, they're gonna hide heroes around the place incase we attack."I continue to inform them,they all sat in silence not wanting to say a single word.

"That's gonna be a problem,since i called in this meeting specifically about the l'manburg independence day..."The crow father muttered.

"Then your plan better be top tier, because i don't think we'll be able to just do a in and out type plan."I tell him,the crow father nods and he went silent for a minute.

"Alright,as we all know during l'manburg independence day they bring out the revival book. That book doesn't just contain resurrection spells,but it also has spells to control life and death itself."The crow father explain.

"And if we can grab that book,we can have all the power to not only that down the hero committee.But also control the whole country,and id say my plan is more than just full proof."The crow father said with a smirk,the blade let's out a low chuckle which grabbed everyone's attention.

"And what is that plan?"Robot ask, looking almost scared with their expression.

The crow father,out of nowhere puts a black skull head on the table.We all looked in shock at the skull in front us,knowing damn well what it is and what it can do.

A wither skull,the one entity that only has one goal.

Destroy anything and everything.

"Your kidding right? your telling us,were gonna use that!?"The jester almost sounded scared,the crow father laugh.

"Just imagine all the destruction we can do with this!"The blade proudly said.

"H-how did you even get this?..."I fearfully ask.

"Well it wasn't too hard to get it from the black market"Siren proudly said,acting like he just got an achievement from school and not one of the most dangerous thing in the world.

Everyone started to talk all at once,some were unsure with the plan and some convincing others that it'll be amazing.

"Silence!"The crow father shouted,words cutting through the argument like butter.

When the whole room went quite,the crow father spoke.

"As i was saying,were gonna use this a distraction to get the revival book.While all the heroes are busy taking care of the civilians and the wither,we get in and steal the revival book."The crow father explain.

I sit back and let out a giggle,they all turn to me.

"I guess we can do a in and out type plan."I said,not believing a single thing i just learn.

"I guess we are..."Lagoon muttered,we look at each other and let a laugh.

"So for now,i want everyone to get ready because l'manburg independence day will be here.You all may leave."The crow father ended the meeting.

"Wait uh lagoon?.."She turns to look at me.

"Um...i need to ask for a favor from you..."I said sheepishly,she shows me a gentle smile.

"Sure! what do you need?"She ask,i take a small pendant out with a crystal inside it.

"I need you to wearing this all the time, it's a pendant with my crystal inside. If i ever get caught,i want you to turn into me and pretend to be crystal. There is no way they'll get enough evidence on me,because there's no way crystal can be in two places at once."I tell her,she takes the pendant and nodded.

"I'll take it with me everywhere."She promises me,i smile and pulled her to a hug.

"Thank you."I tell her,she smiles and return the hug back.Before she,robot and the others left.

"Philll is it ok,if i stay with y/n tonight?"Tommy out of nowhere ask,i look at him in shock.

"C-can he?..."I ask,sounding uncertain with it.

"Of course,he is your brother after all."Phil said with a smile.

"Awesome! i get to spend time with my sister!!"Tommy said proud,i felt my heart melt at this seen.But i realize,this was the first time in a very long time i ever seen him this happy.

"Oh thank god, finally so peace in the house"Wilbur tease,and tommy gasp.

"Oh fuck you,you son of a bitch! Your just saying that cause you'll miss my awesomeness!"Tommy overdramatically said,i laugh at their interaction.

"Alright,you little shits that's enough"Phil tiredly say,sounding like a true father who has to take care of 3 children for 24/7.

It turns out tommy had already packed his stuff before coming to the meeting,and hid it from phil.

Phil had offer to drive us to my apartment,and the drive there was... chaotic to say the least. Wilbur and tommy fought the whole way there,while me,phil and techno chatted like there wasn't a fight happening. For some reason even if this was chaotic,it felt homey something i never got to feel.

When phil dropped us off i took tommy to my apartment,my apartment was really.It only had one room and one bathroom,the kitchen and living room were in one room but for me it was home.

"Make yourself at home tommy,do you want anything to drink or eat?"I offer,he looked around for a minute.

"Nah i'm good,but this place looks really cool."He complemented,i smile and sat on the couch.

"Thanks,if you want we can order pizza later for dinner."I tell him,he nods and sat next to me.

"Sure,y/n can i ask you something?"Tommy ask,i nodded.

"Sure you can ask me anything."I tell him.

"Can you tell me more about our parents?..."He ask.

word count:1072

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