Chapter seven(The sleepover)

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3rd person pov

"Can you tell me more about our parents?..."He ask,she stayed quiet for a minute.

"Sure...what do you wanna know?..."Y/n accept his request,even though its a sensitive topic for her. Tommy deserve to know more about their parents.

"What did they do to you when they left me?..."Tommy ask,Y/n thought back to all the horrible things.There were too many to think of,all the abuse they had put her through.

"Well for starters,after you were gone.They did everything to make me the perfect daughter,they made me take extra classes to be the top of my class.They made me continue my piano lessons,and take first place on every champion ship.But...if i failed."Y/n stopped for a minute,trying to suppress a sob.

"The punishment were so severe,it left permanent scars and not just mentally but physical."y/n lift up the back of her shirt a little to show the scars,tommy let out a audible gasp.

"What the fuck...i'm so sorry you had to go through that...where are they now?"He ask,y/n looked at her hands.

"Father died to a heart attack when i was 13 and mother...was killed when i was 15."Y/n explain to tommy,by now tears were forming on her eyes.

"H-how did she die?.."Tommy hesitantly ask,y/n closed her hands feeling the blood on them.

"I killed her..."She muttered,tommy didn't say a word.And y/n waited for him to scream and call her a monster,but he never did.

Tommy pull her into his embrace,y/n didn't move at first.Before finally accepting his embrace and wrap her arms around tommy.

"I'm so glad their both gone,i couldn't even image the hell you would have continue to go through if they weren't gone.Gods i wish they didn't gave me away,i would've protected you from this."Tommy said,y/n sobbed on his shoulder and shook her head.

"No...i'm glad you didn't have to go through that pain,at least you got to leave a better life."Y/n tell him.

"You deserve a better life too! all these years you never got to live in peace,you went through so much fucking shit."Tommy worriedly exclaim.

Y/n pulls away from the hug,and wipes the tears off her face.

"It's fine, they're gone and i live on my own now."She tried to comfort tommy with her words.

"Well now you don't have to live your own,you have me now."Tommy said with a smile,y/n return the smile.

"Thank you tommy."Y/n tells him.

He put his arm around y/n to pull her close "Now cheer the fuck up,cause we're gonna have the best fucking never ever!"Tommy cheer,y/n laugh and lean towards tommy.

"Alright alright,wanna watch a movie?"Y/n ask,tommy nodded and they both watched a movie till dinner.

They had a fun night,just doing dumb shit and getting to know each other.But their fun was disturb by a knock on the door.

"If this is my landlord tommy,im kicking you out"Y/n threaten,after telling tommy multiple times to not shout during the movie.

"You wouldn't,ill tell phil if you do"Tommy confidently say,y/n rolls her eyes and opens the door.

Both y/n and Tommy jaws drop, when they saw lucifer outside.

"Hey princess"Lucifer greeted

"Lucifer!? what are you doing here?"Y/n ask,not sure what to do in this situation.

"Well i was going on patrol and thought of dropping by,i hope i wasn't bothering you."He sheepishly say.

"Oh no don't worry you weren't bothering me,you should've texted me that you were coming."Y/n said,tommy stayed quiet just observing Lucifer.

"I did,multiple times actually"He said,y/n was a little shock.

"Wait really? crap i must of left my phone in my room,sorry about that."She apologize,lucifer shook his head.

"Nah it's fine,i also bought you some chocolate.I hope you like them..."He sheepishly say,a hint of pink was visible under his cheek.

Y/n takes the chocolate with smiles.

"Aww thank you so much lucifer,do you wanna come in for a while?"Y/n ask,and tommy looked offended at y/n's decision but didn't say a word.

"Oh sure! i guess,i can rest for a bit.If that's ok with you"Lucifer sheepishly say, nervous about going inside a civilians house.

"Awesome,coming in and i hope you don't mind my brother is staying here for the night"Y/n say,tommy looking at him like daggers were gonna come out of nowhere and stab him.

Lucifer felt even more nervous,but gave a small wave to her brother.

"uuhh hey?..."Lucifer said, uncertain on what to do in this situation.

"Tommy be nice."Y/n sternly said,tommy gasped dramatically.

"What the fuck!? i haven't even done anything yet!!"Tommy complain.

"Yet?"Y/n sternly ask,and tommy froze.

"Uuhhhhh-So bitch boy why did you give my sister chocolate huh? isn't what like couples do??"Tommy tried shifting the conversation,lucifer was a little taken a back at his questions.

"Well we aren't really couples,i just wanted to give her some chocolates."Lucifer tried explaining,but tommy wasn't convinced.

"Sure man,are heroes even aloud to have lovers?"Tommy ask,y/n knew where this was going and she hid a smirk.

"Well-no technically we can't,but sometimes some of us just likes to ignore the rules sometimes."Lucifer explain,feeling a bit embarrassed.

"If i was a hero,i would have alot of women. I would save all the women,so they can all fall for me."Tommy proudly say,lucifer laugh.

"I mean you technically can't but i'm sure the women will love you"Lucifer played along,y/n shakes her head.

"Don't encourage him please"Y/n beg,making Lucifer laugh.

"Do you heroes have like cool machine's that can stop the annoying ass villains?"Tommy ask, Lucifer thought for a minute.

"Well,there are a few."Lucifer said,little did he know.He was inside the spider's web,in their territory.And he was just about to spill secrets,no one was aloud to know.

Tommy's eyes light up,acting like his interested in those kinds of things.

"Like what? like cool machine's that can make those villains look ugly?"Tommy joked,lucifer laugh and shakes his head.

"No more like, little bugs that if they get stuck on their clothing we can track them down.And there's this one gun that's so dangerous,i hope they don't us it."Lucifer said,getting the interest of both of us.

"Oh? what kind of gun is it?"Y/n eagerly ask,lucifer was about to open his mouth but was interrupted by his phone ringing.

"Crap i better get going now, mushroom head is probably looking for me."Lucifer said,the two siblings pouted at the lost of information.

"Aww alright then,thank you for stopping by though."Y/n pouted,lucifer smiled and left.

"Heh that was interesting"Y/n smirk,tommy takes the chocolate from y/n and starts eating it.

"Fuck yeah,if he didn't tell us about that small bug thing we would've been fuck."Tommy said while biting down at the chocolate.

Y/n sat next to him,take a piece of chocolate.

"Yeah,but know we have to be extra careful with whatever that dangerous gun is."Y/n muttered.

Word count:1287

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