Chapter twelve (In hiding)

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Y/n's pov

It's now the next day,and i've been having fun here at the craft's household.I'm so glad tommy got to live a wonderful life,at least he got to live like this and not have to go through what i had.

But as of now,i was hit with a problem.I don't have any clothes,and that's gonna be a problem.

I'll have to go out and buy some clothes,and probably a disguise so no one can recognize me.

Unfortunately, I can't use my card or go to a ATM to grab some cash or else they might track me down.

I'll only have to do with what i have,which wasn't alot...

I went to the kitchen,and see phil making tea.

"Hey phil,is it ok if i barrow a hoodie? i need to buy something." i ask,he raise a brow.

"And what are you gonna buy? in case you forget your supposed to be missing right now."Phil acted like a dad was a about to scold his daughter.

"I'll be fine, I'm only gonna be gone for a few minutes."I tried to convince him,phil smiles and shakes his head.

"I guess stubborness runs in the family huh?"He tease,i pout and stick my tongue out.

He laughs and went to his room to get the hoodie,he comes back a few minutes later and comes back with a hoodie.

He gives it to me and i put it on,it was too big for me causing phil to laugh.

"Oh fuck off,out of the four of you guys.Your the smallest,if i wore wilbur or techno's hoodie it would've looked like a fucking dress so if anything you should take this as an insult."I said with full sas, making him laugh even more.

"Even if your smarter than tommy,you guys still have the same attitude."Phil pointed out,i flip him off before getting a mask and leaving.

I heard him shout for me to keep safe,but i just ignore him.

It only took a few minutes for me to get to the city,there were a few posters of my around but with this mask and hoodie i should be fine.

I walk pass a store,and see wigs display in the counter.

I made my way inside and looked at the variety of wigs,i take a curly brunette wig out of its display and examine it for a minute.

'This should do,i'll probably only use it a few times but whatever.'i thought,amd payed for the wig and went to the bathroom.

I took my hood off,and tied my hair in a bun.I put on the wig,and stared at my reflection.

I could barely recognize myself,i smiled knowing if i bump into lucifer he wouldn't know.

I went out the store,confident i wasn't gonna get recognize.

But of course,since faith was an asshole.I bumped into lucifer and dream, luckily i still had my mask on.

"Oh sorry about that ma'am..."Lucifer mutter,you could feel the pain and suffering radiating from the man.

I feel a bit of ache seeing lucifer a complete mess,his hair was messy and it looked like he hadn't taken a rest.

"Um... it's ok."

They both continue to do their patrol,but i just stayed in my spot watching them.

I wanted to comfort him so badly,the guilt in my stomach was roaring.But maybe i can ask him to join the syndicate,it was risky but maybe when the time was right.


Lucifer's pov

It's been more than 24 hours and we still didn't have any leads on y/n's missing case,and who knows what horrible things they've done to her. I was in and out of her apartment,trying to find anything that could be a potential lead to this investigation. I was a complete mess and it hadn't even been that long after she got kidnapped,who knows what will happen to me in the next few days if we don't find her. If it weren't for dream and mushroom head,I probably would've never left the crime scene.

And the fact that i accused her of lying,was killing me. And she was right about everything she said,she really did like knitting and had a costume of me and lagoon.

And she knows what i look like now and they might use that against her,if she tells them the truth my identity will be revealed but if she doesn't...who knows what will happen to her.

From what we knew,the syndicate broke in and took y/n.She might have been unconscious because it was her blood that we found on the crime scene,there wasn't any footage of the kidnap so we had zero evidence other than the note.

"Lucifer let's go back,you need to rest..."Dream has been begging me to rest,but i wasn't listening as we continue to do our patrol.

"No...what if she escaped and she came looking for help,i can't help her if-"i tried to think of the possibilities,but dream cut me.

"Lucifer. We can't help civilians if we can't help ourselves,you know this. Now let's go back so you can get some rest,we'll patrol again later ok?" Dream tried to comfort me,i sigh knowing he was right.

We made our way back to the headquarters,and i ask a few of the detectives if they found any leads yet.

Unfortunately,there was still nothing. We only had 5 days left to think of plan,or else something might happen to y/n....

Both me and dream went to our shared office,and i laid on the couch.

"What are we gonna do if we can't give the tranquilizer?"i ask,dream thought about it for a moment.

"To be honest nick,i don't know...if we had the tranquilizer to the villains,we're fucked. And if we don't,well you already know..." Dream explain,i feel the tears build up in my eyes as i knew what he might.

"We're gonna save her nick,don't worry. We just need a plan,and we'll get one. Just wait for now..." Dream's words weren't comforting at all,but i'm glad his trying.

Word count:1067

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