The Other King- A Visit

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“Come now Peter, you shall be joining me today.” Ana sternly told Peter as we stood in front of the carriages. We were going on a tour through the village today, I planned on trying to see Jane. Hopefully I would get to talk to her with out Ana, Peter, or Craig trying to listen in. “Yes mother. Craig, Amanda shall be joining you in your carriage.” Peter said as he joined his mother inside one of his own carriages. Craig had refused to use one of Peters and decided to take the one he arrived in.

“Well, I have no problem taking your lovely lady with me.” Craig gave me a cute grin and led me to his carriage. I saw Peter roll his eyes at his brother before their carriage headed to the town. Craig had his hand raised waiting for me to step inside. I gave him a polite smile and climbed in.

Craig sat across from me with a grin on his face. “So how did a lovely lady like you end up with my brother?”

“I do not know.” I weakly said my eyes facing the floor. I did not wish to upset Craig incase he was anything like his brother, looks can always be deceiving.

“What is wrong?” Craig asked tilting his head to see my face.


“Yes, there is something wrong. I am sorry if I am scaring you, I do not mean to come of so strongly.”

“No everything is fine. Your charming ways are fine with me.” I told him.

He gave a small laugh, “I am not a charmer. I just… I just act like this when I am around such beautiful young ladies.” He grabbed my chin softly. I winced, waiting for him to hit me. He raised my head so I was looking at him and gave me a smile.

“Please keep your head up. You should not hide such beauty as yours.”I felt the heat rise in to my cheeks again, making it appear over the bruises and make up. “That is exactly what any charmer would say.” I told him making him smile.

“I can promise you my lady, I am no charmer. I am simply man who respects such beauty one can hold. I do not bed just any women such as other charmers;,I do not approve of such ways.”

“Why is that?” I asked, curiosity making me forget who I am talking to. Why would such a handsome royal such as himself disapprove of charmer ways. King Edward himself even took advantage of women, even though he was a married man.

“I feel women should not be treated as toys. Something so special should not be treated like nothing. Bedding is showing one how much you love them, not for ones selfish pleasure.” He looked me in the eyes. All honesty was held deep in to his blue eyes.

“I understand.”

“Has my brother forced himself upon you?”

“Why do you ask?” Peter hasn’t forced himself upon me. I keep my eyes open at night, scared that he may try something. Not yet has he made a move upon me, which I was quite grateful for.

“My dear no such amount of makeup can hide the bruises on a beautiful face.” He reached out and slightly rubbed my cheek bone. I winced as his finger touched my bruise. His eyes showed pain and such sadness. He lightly caressed his cheek while examining my big purple bruise. I had gotten in it when me and Peter were in the courtyard. He had said that I will be his forever. Me having a snarky remark said I rather be six feet under, the anger he always held inside him had arose in to his eyes as he smacked me. The force behind the smack was hard enough for me to fall off the bench and onto the hard cold ground. He walked out of the courtyard, leaving me in the grass. Each tear rolling over the newly applied bruise.

“I am sorry for my brothers cruel actions. As a child he would do the same to me.” He said taking his hand away from my cheek. “Why would he do such a thing to his own brother?” I asked him. “I do not know myself. Perhaps out of jealousy, my father seemed to always treat me better. As I grew older and noticed he payed more attention to me I would ask him why, he would simply replied ‘the future king deserves more attention than a duke’. To this day I still disagree with those words he had spoken to me.”

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