The Other King- A Kiss

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I opened my eyes quickly as his lips were still pressed on to mine. His eyes were cold, his blonde hair was slightly messy from the winds that swept past us. I broke away from his kiss and quickly sat up, pulling my night gown closed. I got to my feet, leaving Craig sitting with his eyes open in shock of what has just happened. He looked to me but I quickly rushed away from him, my bare feet stomping on to the cold, green grass, as I rushed to the door that was across the courtyard. The faint yell of Craig was what I heard as the wind howled in the night air. Cold tears ran down my face, confused, happy, scared tears.

 Roughly, I opened the wooden door and enter into the brick cement corridor. I kept a firm grip on my night gown as I ran, not knowing where I was going. My hair lazily flew behind me as I ran faster as I heard the thud of a wooden door closing. I hoped with all my heart that it wasn't Craig. I cannot face, for I was embarrassed of my foolish action.

 I will be courted to his own brother. I cannot kiss him, nor should I even think of him in such a lustful way. Craig is nice and very handsome, he has probably has some other woman in his kingdom, awaiting his return for she can seduce him in to courting. I'm sure Craig has many maidens in his kingdom that he may use for his own pleasure. I will not be a made a fool of, other woman may but I will stay pure.

 I ran faster as I heard the loud echoes of someone's heavy footsteps down the corridor. I quickly turned in to another corridor and leaned against the cold wall, letting the darkness engulf me. I could hear Craig's heavy footsteps running up the corridor, I pressed myself against the wall. His blonde hair soon came in to view, just as the rest of his body. He looked to both sides of him, unsure where I have ran off to. He held his head down low, his blonde hair blocking the beauty of his face.

 I sat there in the darkness in silent, the cold slowly seeping in my back, and my tears leaving cold streaks down my face. What have I done? I am a disgraceful young woman? Why would I do such a thing?

 I held back a whimper that was about to escape from my lips. I look towards Craig, he had a hand placed upon his forehead. He looked up and continues walking down the dark corridor. I sat there in the silent darkness, tears flow down my face.

 What a disgrace I am, I am nothing but any other young maiden. A young lady who gives away her innocence as if it were simply a child's toy. I had promise myself I would not do such a thing, as my friends soon out grown there child hood, they soon were off with many boys in the village. That was one thing I had not wanted to do. I simply just wanted a respectable, caring and honest man, the complete opposite of Peter.

 I reluctantly got up from my dark hiding space and began to search through the dark corridors to Peter's room. I soon found myself in the center of the main entrance. I slowly opened the door to the staircase to Peter's room, quietly shut it, making sure it did not make a thud like the other doors. I silently traveled up the steps until I reached the door. It was slightly ajar, carefully, I pushed it open. I peered in to the room to see it was empty, the candle that sat upon Peter's night stand was no longer there.

 I enter the room hesitantly, scared that Peter may jump out of the darkness and harm me. Going deeper in to the dark room I carefully looked around once more for any signs of Peter. I heard nothing, just the silence that the darkness held. Repugnantly, I crawled under the thick blankets that were on the bed. I rested my head on the pillow, my head facing the door, awaiting for Peter to storm in. Another beating I shall receive. Silent tears rolled down my cheeks as I let darkness fill my body.

 My eyes snapped open, as I felt someone take a hold of my shoulders. The room was still dark, someone was on top of me staring down at me, I struggled trying to get away but the person clawed its nails in to my shoulders. I gave out a cry of pain, the person let out a grunt.

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