Kiddo does chores

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"Help? You? HAHA! That's a good one kid!"
He laughs.
I tilt my head in a confused manner and have a blank expression.
"Wait. You genuinely don't know where you you? "

I shake my head and make an awkward smile.

"Well... um usually I don't let people live this long buuuut I'll make an exception for you!
I've needed a new minion for a while, ever since the last one ran off..."
He started to trail off.

"ANYWAYS!" He said startling me
"So..what do you say?"
I'm skeptical about a surprise job offer, so I ask
" what's the catch?"
He chuckles and says "there's no catch kiddo!
All you have to do is a few jobs for me and I'll let you live. Just sign at the bottom of the page."

I hear a poof noise in front of me and a feather appeared in my right hand (sorry to the left handed people!)
" go ahead kid"
Seeing as I don't really have a choice in the matter
I start to write my name the best I can near the bottom
And I hear a sigh from snatcher
"What's wrong?" I ask
"You didn't sign on the dotted line..."

-time skip-

After "murdering the fire spirits" I head back to snatchers house, he had showed me where to go after completing my assignments.
"Hey boss!" I say as I struggle to climb up the spiky thorns.

"Oh. It's you..have you finished your contractual obligations?"
He said
"Yes sir! "
I said while holding my arm, I had fallen off a large tree while trying to grab a painting.

"Well that's gooo-d..are you ok kid?"
He sounded..pitiful?
"Oh yes I just hurt my arm that's all"I say trying to kid myself that I wasn't in pain.
"Right..well that's all I have for you right now so come back tomorrow for your next contract!"
" sorry what? You said that was all I had to do!"
I say
"Ha! I lied."
He said smugly
I sigh and agree
" but how do I get back home?"
"Wh- *cough* I'll get a minion to help you.."
He's helping me now?
"I uh..thank you!" I feel a small figure tug gently on my shirt
"Follow me miss! " it says and I start to follow but not before giving a quick wave to snatcher.


Didn't see that coming! (Blind! Reader x snatcher)Where stories live. Discover now