Hat kid finds out

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The minion took me back to the field where I landed
"Well that's all I can do to help you miss.." it said.
"Don't worry, ans thanks for the help " a say with a small smile
The minion waves goodbye and hurry's off back to subcon's town.
I walk around for a bit and find a small remote I press a few buttons and I feel myself in a different place.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing in my room? " hat kid is in front of me.
"Oh I'm back? Uhhh I mean I just came in to wake you up!" I struggle to find a good excuse.

"(Y/n).. it's 3pm... I couldn't find you anywhere"
'Oh peck..' I think
-after explaining-

"You met snatcher And lived??" She says shocked
"Well yes but now I'm his errand boy (it's a saying) and I need to go back tomorrow!"
I really don't wanna go back there again but I have a soul binding contract.

"Oh (y/n) hes my bff! I used to do contacts for him too.
I can't wait to see him again!" She sound so enthusiastic
"But I thought I was ur bff.." I say teasingly
We both laugh and then Hattie says "(y/n can I come with you tomorrow and see snatcher with you? I can also help with your contact if you need!"

I agree and we decide to go to mafia town to get some food!
Hat kid insists I don't eat anything until we get to the mafia headquarters.

"But why Hattie I'm starving!" I complain
She snickers and turns to me " if you want to go ahead but it's your grave"
Maybe I will wait.

- at the headquarters-

"Hello there!" I hear a person speak
"(Y/n), this is cooking cat. She's really good at making food and we are good Freinds"
"Why hello (y/n) " cooking cat spoke.
I didn't know cats could do that here...
"Oh hello cooking cat" I wave and give a small smile
"Why do you cook if I may ask?"
"Oh that's simple"
She says "the mafia cooks are terrible at cooking so I cook for them else they would probably die"


These are typically only going to be 300- 500 words long as I get writers block easily ;-;

Didn't see that coming! (Blind! Reader x snatcher)Where stories live. Discover now