Chp 25: The Sickness

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3rd POV

Its been a few days since the Shane gang found and destroy the male mundi. Without it, Blakk has no way to bring the deep cavern nor the surface. However, they were still fighting against Blakk and his forces.

Like right now, YN and Eli are on the run in a ice cavern where one of Blakks slingers known as Cece.

Eli: Okay Cece, if you're trying to tail me quietly.

YN: Totally an epic fail pal.

This made Cece a bit angry as he continues to chase after them.

Eli: Wanna have a little fun Burpy?

Burpy nods before coughs. They then made a run for as they're in the ice floor. They then quickly make a U turn but Eli's mecha is custom to make a hard turn where YN doesn't. Fortunately he fires Spidey who created a web string attached to his mecha to help him make a hard turn while Cece slip and crash because of the ice.

YN: You know you can just walk away Cece. This can be easy or we can make this hard.

Cece: In your dreams!

Cece fire ghouls at them but YN evades them with his mecha.

YN: (Chuckles.) Now that's cold, how bout we make it more colder huh Frost?

Frost nods before she coughs as well which got YN curious.

YN: You all right Frost?

Frost nods and shakes it off while away fires ghouls at them.

Eli: Can't shake them.

YN: Guess we're doing this the old fashion then.

Eli: (Smirk.) We're going to persuade them to go away and we can be real persuasive right guys?

Eli slugs nods in agreement while Burpy started to feel bad. Just then Cece arrives as Eli load burpy in his blaster.

Eli: A little advice Cece. Next time Blakk wants me followed, he should send someone other than you.

YN: Better yet, he should do it himself if he has the guts to hands the cold cavern.

Cece: Blakk is always busy these days. Besides, he already did.

Just then they were surrounded by dozen of Blakk henchmen's.

Eli: We've been in tougher scrapes before

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Eli: We've been in tougher scrapes before. Right Burpy?

Burpy weakly nods before Eli fired Burpy. However, Burpy didn't transformed as he fell down which got him worried.

Eli: Burpy?

YN: What just happened?

Blakks men and Cece then laughs to see his slug failed to transformed as they fire their ghouls. 

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