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I close my eyes cracking the bones in my neck,Rolling my shoulders to loosen my muscles but to no avail. My eyes are burning as I glare at the screen.It was inhuman that what it was.
It was sick the way she killed kids and kidnapped women for their organs. Esther was Vixen's new fiance. That jerk was a bastard himself. I suspected he held center to those organ trades and went behind Esther's name in the dark market to keep himself hidden.
I had still not been able to hack into his systems but, Esther was just as sick as him so I had no remorse in killing her. Now he would have to look for a new face to hide behind and I would be watching his every move hungry for a slip up and then I would pounce.
I could not believe the way they kidnapped those innocent souls and tortured and killed them for organs and bodies.
As I watch the video of the 50 something old man fucking that poor traumatized 6 year old girl I wanted to start breaking his head.He pleasures himself till she cried and the pain got too much for that poor soul .As she took her last breath he let out a frustrated groan and disposed of her as if she was a freaking disposable bag. I was glaring at the screen burning holes into it when I heard my phone ring. Riley.
I picked up and she went off complaining ofcourse she did.
"Aiden Ross you have not come home for months and if you are leaving, empty your room so that I ca-"
I cut her off impatiently. She is my sister and right hand man or I guess women as good as she is at her job she is a pain in the butt.
"I am sending you a video check it and find the location"
Ofcource I could easily do it myself but I had a mission to complete I cut the call without another word. In a few minutes she sends me the estimated location it was heavily encrypted but at least we had a rough. it was something but her next messege deters me again. Turns out that after every video they changed their whereabouts. Ofcourse they did. I roll my neck even as a smirk plays across my face .

They thought that they were avoiding me.
Too bad for them there was nothing I enjoyed more than a good chase especially one with a price like this.
Destroying Vixen's sick ring.
And he would pay for all the souls he caused damage to.
I would make sure of it.

Her danger,Her SalvationWhere stories live. Discover now