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Seemingly he had an high position and was able to officially get permission for me to join his investigations.
I mean.
Comeon this is a little extreme.
So as I treck in the forest around the millionaire's property where his fiancé was murdered I want to cry.
Also that guy was a millionaire and still could not protect his fiancé from being so brutally murdered. What's even money for at this point?
I talked to Juliet, his sister and turns out that the fiancé was involved in some kind of shady buisness I don't know what but that is probably what got her killed. Though it would be good for my article, it would be juicer if Vixen himself killed her but from the evidence so far it does not seem like it. They were lovey dovey to the point of sickness from what I heard-
"Miss Elen if you would please wait here till I talk to Mr Vixen in private"

Yea Mr Detective wasn't even asking and honestly he was shady himself was he really gonna leave a young innocent women alone in the middle of the fucking WOODS? yes he was...god my life was really great! what if the murderer came for me or something?!

So I just stood I guess he just needed permission or something as he came back in a minute and ushered me in the mansion. Oh wait OH!

I couldn't stop staring this place was huge and so lavish. A teen was sprawled on the sofa. He lifted his head and a crooked gring appeared. Ok not a kid he was about my age an year older from the looks of it. He got up coming towards us "how may I help you" I had seen attractive guys in my life and he was probably one of them but the way he eyed me made me want to squirm under his gaze.
" this is Rolan Vixen's son" that sick detective introduced. I would honestly not be surprised if he were involved in these shady businesses as well I hear a throat being cleared and turn around. A huge man of about 6'3 was standing glaring at...........me? Suddenly as if someone had flipped a switch his expression became remorseful " ah you are here detective it took you long enough please get to the case I want to know the cause of my wife's death as soon as I can" his gaze turns and locks on me as if he wasn't glaring at me seconds ago. A sick smile appears on his face "who do we have here? Um Elen I believe juliet's friend?" I realize after a minute that he was expecting a reply" oh um yea i am Elen and I heard about u mr.Vixem um nice to meet you" The smile on my face is faker than the detective's giant ring.
"Hmm I can certainly say I feel the same" I turn around it was Rolan that had spoken and I was seconds away from punching his face. I smile and excuse myself roaming around the forest while the detective conducts his ripof investigations. He does have a breakthrough I guess. Foot steps in the Sand outside the verandah if, there were also signs of struggling making it appear obvious that esther atleast tried to put up a fight. I write about it twisting as elaborating the struggling and the evidence found and thankfully it makes my target complete. While walking home I come across a well known club. Its still just 7:30 PM so I have a while I slip in heading to the bar. I am not dressed to dance or seduce guys and right now I definitely do not look fuckable....... wait is that a word?
After a Martini I order a tequila shot but feel someone's gaze on my back, searing hot and magnetic, attracting and destroying. I turn around to see a man in a hoodie seated a few tables away. I can feel his gaze but not see his eyes due to the hood he pulled over his head. I catch his cocky smirk and it absolutely shouldn't have sent tingles down there. He lifts his head up but I cant see his face clearly. All the darkness seems to bend to his will. Masking him and showing him how he wants it to but I catch the eyes. Those emeralds set into his face glinting with the promise of sin and danger; malice and death. Games no one should jump into. But those emerald pools were  atracting,A trap for all, and damn me if  I fell for it.

Her danger,Her SalvationDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora