[BROOMALKY FLUFF] flower fields

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sorry for my inactivity............will gay men make up for it????

also this was written because i thought it up while listening to bigmouth strikes again in bed so have fun

"babe... wake up, we're here."
    chalky blinked his eyes open. his head rested against the car door with the window rolled all the way down. he lifted his arm up and rubbed his eye, looking around at his surroundings.
    broomer said he wanted to take chalky out somewhere because they've been in the studio with clay for weeks. being cooped up in a two-story building completed with grey walls and uncomfortable furniture was getting too much for chalky, and broomer could tell.
    "baby? you up?"
    chalky's head lolled as he turned to look at broomer. his dark arm was resting on the middle compartment in his truck. sunglasses were propped against his head and he was wearing a grey sleeveless hoodie. chalky smiled half-lidded at him.
    "don't make me carry you out."
    "mmh... maybe i want that."
    chalky snickered hearing his name from his lover and opened the truck door. forgetting he was two thirds the size of the truck while expecting to step onto the grass, he came toppling out.
    "oh my glub," broomer gasped, "babe! be careful."
    chalky got back up and looked around him in awe. it was a hot july day, which he despised, and the sun beating down on him pissed him off, but the sight was stunning. fields upon fields spread out in all directions and it was quite windy. chalky likes the wind. the way it feels against his skin, the way it battles the heat, the way it-
    his thoughts were interrupted. "so, babe? you like it?"
    chalky's mouth was dry. "wow. just... wow. bro said he knew a spo-"
    chalky giggled and took broomer by the hand, pulling him along and smiling wildly. the two of them walked, ran, and sprinted until they approached a specific part of the open, breezy space with flowers everywhere. broomer dropped the speaker he was lugging around, started shuffling a random miscellaneous playlist he had on his youtube premium, and turned to look at chalky.
    bigmouth strikes again by the smiths started playing as chalky immediately threw himself into broomer's arms. broomer swung him around happily and then set him down, and then they started running while holding onto each other's hand. the two lovers' laughter flooded the air as they tripped over each other's feet and ran around like maniacs. they didn't make it very far, however.
    several minutes passed of them just venturing around while listening to the music. at one point, chalky stopped and turned around, throwing himself at broomer again. instead of swinging him around, they held each other in an embrace before chalky pulled back and smashed their lips together.
    broomer smiled into the kiss, keeping a solid grip on chalky's waist with one hand and his chin with the other. chalky pushed a bit harder into the kiss, cupping broomer's face with his pale hands, and this ended up causing the both of them to stumble back. eventually, they both tumbled over.
    chalky pulled the two of them onto their sides while pressing his forehead to broomer's and smiled a huge, giddy, loving smile. their faces stayed inches apart while the smaller boy held his eyes shut, listening to the song pour into his ears.
    "oh, chalky, my love." broomer rasped out, his throat drier than an average desert from all the chortling.
    "oh, broomer." chalky mumbled back, out of breath from both the running and the kissing.
    chalky slowly opened his eyes to meet broomer's gaze. adoration for his boyfriend made his diaphragm feel warmer than the fresh mac n' cheese clay had made hours earlier. they laid there for what felt like eons before chalky lightly pushed broomer. he plopped onto his back, pulling chalky to lay his chin on his chest.

the two boy looked at the sky. it was an absolutely ethereal purple color fading into a navy blue and some stars had begun to reveal themselves. chalky threw one of his legs over broomer's hips while still looking at the sky and broomer rubbed his boy's thigh affectionately.
    "thank you, broomer." chalky pressed his face into broomer's neck and smiled. he pressed a kiss to his skin and looked back up, keeping his head wedged underneath broomer's jaw.
    "anything for you, my love." broomer responded, leaning his head into chalky's just a little more. they both sat in silence while staring at the sky as night approached.
    broomer looked at chalky, and chalky looked back. his breath hitched in his throat and a small, barely noticeable blush coated his face.
    broomer's words spilled out unintentionally. "i want to spend the rest of my life with you."
    at the same time, chalky asked, "has the smiths been playing this whole time?"
    now both of them were pink.
    and both of them were laughing hysterically.
    broomer yanked chalky into his arms and cradled them as they laughed until their stomachs felt horrid. afterward, they just laid there in the flowers staring at the sky once more, the only difference being that broomer was completely holding chalky.
    they laid there, got up, shut off the speaker, kissed a bit, ran back to broomer's truck, and chalky fell asleep once the drive started again.

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