Hector.h x Emiliano

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Hector was a mean boy who was always looking for trouble. He was known as the bad boy at school, and his reputation preceded him. One day, a new student named Emiliano arrived at school. Emiliano was a cute and funny boy with a big heart, and he quickly made friends with the other students.

At first, Hector was dismissive of Emiliano. He thought he was just another shy and awkward new kid. But as days went on, he found himself drawn to Emiliano's kind nature and good looks.

Hector couldn't resist the urge to tease and bully Emiliano, but he also couldn't deny the feelings brewing inside him. He found himself looking forward to seeing Emiliano each day, and he became more and more drawn to his charisma and charm.

Emiliano, for his part, was unaware of Hector's feelings toward him. He saw Hector as just another hot boy at school, but nothing more.

One day, after a particularly mean prank by Hector, Emiliano had had enough. He stood up to Hector, calling him out for his behavior and telling him that he deserved better.

Hector was taken aback by Emiliano's bravery and honesty. He realized that he had been wrong about Emiliano, and he started to see him in a new light.

As time went on, Hector and Emiliano's friendship grew stronger. They spent more and more time together, and Hector found himself opening up to Emiliano about his feelings.

Emiliano was flattered by Hector's interest in him, but he was also hesitant. He knew that Hector was a lot of trouble, so he was unsure if a relationship would be a good idea.

But over time, Hector proved himself to be a loyal and caring friend, and Emiliano started to see him as more than just a hot boy.

Finally, one day, Hector built up the courage to ask Emiliano out on a date. Emiliano was nervous, but he agreed.

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