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Finally, one day, Hector built up the courage to ask Emiliano out on a date. Emiliano was nervous, but he agreed to meet up with Hector after school for a coffee.

Hector was thrilled and spent the whole day getting ready for his date with Emiliano. He picked out his best clothes, styled his hair, and even went the extra mile to pick out a gift for Emiliano.

As he waited for Emiliano to arrive, Hector felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. He had never dated a guy before, and he wasn't sure how to act.

Finally, Emiliano arrived, and Hector was immediately struck by how cute he looked. He gave him the gift he had gotten him, a cute little plushie of his favorite animal.

Emiliano was delighted by the gift, and the two of them sat down for coffee. They chatted and laughed, getting to know each other better.

As the conversation flowed, Hector found himself getting more and more comfortable. He was surprised by how easy it was to talk to Emiliano, and he realized that he had been right all along about him.

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