The kiss is always a end of a story.

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Hector and Emiliano were finally alone in the parking lot after their date at the movies. Hector was feeling nervous and excited as he pulled Emiliano into his arms for their first kiss.

Hector was a flirtatious, funny, mean guy, but Emiliano was the complete opposite. Emiliano was a funny, charismatic, and cute boy. They had been dating for 5 weeks and Hector was finally feeling confident enough to make a move.

Emiliano smiled as Hector's lips touched his own. They held the kiss for a few seconds before breaking away. Neither of them said anything, but the smile on Emiliano's face said it all to Hector.

Hector couldn't help but smile back as he pulled Emiliano into another kiss. This time it lasted longer, and neither of them wanted it to end. They both knew that they were falling in love, and this kiss was just the beginning of their journey together.

Hector x Emiliano Where stories live. Discover now