The ex

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After Hector's date with Emiliano, he couldn't stop thinking about him. He found himself constantly checking his phone for messages from Emiliano, and he was always excited when they got to spend time together.

But Hector knew that he couldn't keep his relationship with Emiliano a secret forever. He knew that he would have to tell Avel about it eventually.

When he finally had the courage to break the news to her, Avel was hurt and upset. She couldn't understand how Hector had moved on so quickly, and she felt blindsided by his behavior.

At first, Avel tried to be understanding and supportive, telling Hector that she just wanted him to be happy. But as time went on, she found herself getting more and more jealous of Emiliano.

Whenever Hector mentioned Emiliano, Avel would roll her eyes or make a snide comment. She started calling Emiliano names and finding fault with everything he did or said.

Finally, Avel couldn't take it anymore. She confronted Hector about his relationship with Emiliano, and the two of them got into a big argument.

Hector tried to explain to Avel that he couldn't help how he felt, but she refused to listen. She told him that he had broken her heart and that she never wanted to speak to him again.

Hector was devastated by the end of their relationship, but he knew that he had found something special with Emiliano. He was determined to make things work with Emiliano, and he was willing to do whatever it took to make their relationship strong and healthy.

Thanks to Hector's courage and Emiliano's kindness, the two of them were able to weather the storm and build a strong and loving relationship with each other. And they lived happily ever after, their lives filled with joy, excitement,

and laughter, while Avel watched from the sidelines, consumed by jealousy and bitterness.

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