Step 1

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The first step in your journey to unicorn-ism is simple. To become a unicorn, you must first believe in unicorns. I promise that unicorns are actually real, I've seen a real live unicorn with my own two eyes. UNICORNS DO ACTUALLY EXIST!

If you are having trouble in believing in unicorns try searching pictures of unicorns on Google Images. After that if you are still experiencing difficulties try going on a weekend long unicorn hunting expedition in your local public park or playground.

Sometimes to fully believe in unicorns you have to improvise. Try duct taping a random stick that you have found outside to your little sibling's or pet's head. If you even still are troubled with fully believing in unicorns there is one final approach to help. Go out and purchase unicorn costumes for all of your family, friends, peers, teachers, pets, and any other random strangers that you often see. Fully submerge yourself by being surrounded by unicorns and soon you will be a strong believer.

Once you have chosen to be a believer of unicorns you have completed the first step.

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