Golden Boy

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Gale Urie. Yep, that’s me. The nerd, the loser, the nobody. All those names fit me. I’m the boy in the back of the class, scared to show off his intelligence. I’m the boy who wears the dork looking glasses and has just a little bit too much hair gel. The boy who no one even bothers to look at because they are sure just looking at me will make them “less cool”. Never been on a date, never kissed a girl,always get bullied. I’m a complete and utter loser with only one friend. Eric Bitwer. He is just like me, except not as unfortunate looking.  We are the two outcast, the nerd, dorks, the losers, nobodies. I don’t even know what else to call us. But then, of course, there was Gabriel Grand, the Golden boy. The guy who made us look like complete, total, unmitigated, deadbeats. With his muscles, dirty blond smooth hair, and blue eyes. He is your said jock. Perfect athlete, average grades, good looks, has the most beautiful girlfriend, and just plain damn awesome. Nobody can compete with him, especially me. And you want to know the worst thing? I’m in love with his girlfriend… Skye Taylors.

Oh man now she was something to look at. Perfect curved body, beautiful green eyes, perfect blonde hair, perfect smile, perfect lips. The perfect girl and of course, with no interest in me. She’s perfect, so she has to be with another person that’s perfect, which is Gabriel. I hate his guts because of it.  Since I can remember I’ve wanted to be the popular guy, the “it” man, the athlete with the hot girl, the guy everyone adored and wanted to be. The one everyone hated. I wanted to be the Golden boy. Yet, I knew that wouldn’t happen. That is until I hired…Her… Lexi Jacobs.

            She was meant to be my mentor, she promised to make me popular, wanted and well… Hot and man did she keep her promise. For those few months, I was IT, the Golden Boy. Everyone wanted me, everyone seeked my attention. It wasn’t Gabriel Grand anymore, It was Gale Urie. My wildest dreams had come true. I had finally gotten the girl and the popularity. Finally I was a somebody. But, even though everything with my image was going great, everything else was falling apart. I was losing my only real friend, my grades were down the toilet, my life was just a disaster and worst of all, I was starting to do things I never thought I would do. I was losing myself completely… But let me just tell you how it all started…

Golden Boy: PrologWhere stories live. Discover now