Chapter 2: The Escort

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Chapter 2:

                                                The Escort

Monday. The weekend had gone by fast. To my disliking. It was time for school today and I was putting on my bottom up white shirt. Our school didn’t really have a uniform, but we did have spirit day. Which is when we wear the school colors, and that was every Tuesday. I walk down stairs and eat my breakfast. As soon as I walk out of my house I see my yellow public school bus pass by.


I start to run after it.

“Wait up!” I start to scream as it stops on the bus stop in the corner. I run as fast as my legs could take me. Damn, I’m lucky I was in track. I reach the bus, sweaty and get disgusted looks from the girls. Of course. That was normal.

I sit in the back. Where nobody looks to.

A while later, I get to school. Eric was waiting for me in the front.

“Hey Gale” he says

“Hey Eric” I say and we walk inside the school.

“Welcome back to hell losers” comes Harry’s voice from behind us. Harry Jackson was Gabriel’s best friend and the bully. He hits me on the back of the head.

“Stop it Harry” Eric says and glares at him while I just look down. Why do I have to be such a wimp?

“Or what? You gonna do something about it, stupid?” Harry gets close to Eric and Eric clenches his fist.

“No man, let’s just go” I say and grab his arm.

“Yeah, walk away like the two pussies you are!” Harry says and a little group behind him starts to laugh. He was big, strong and in wrestling. I don’t mess with him.

“Fucking jerk” Eric says

“Poor guy got his panties in a twist” I say and we chuckle.

All through the day I lay low. Just like every other day. I was invisible. Well, almost invisible. Harry kept on being a jerk. Calling me names from across the hall and in the cafeteria with Gabriel next to him laughing.

After school, Eric came over my house.

“I hate that Harry” He says, looking throw my video games. I was lying on my bed, thinking. A dangerous pass time of mine.

“Dude, I just wish I was as big as him…” I blocked Eric’s voice out of my head. It’s my senior year and I’m still a loser. If I could just get one girl, one girlfriend, maybe that could open some windows or something for me. But that was a stupid idea. What girl would go out with me?

“I got to go man. See you tomorrow” Eric says getting up. I walk with him downstairs and walk outside. He gets in his “Piece of shit” car like he calls it and I just stand there until he is out of view.

Afterward I walk back up to my room.  Throwing myself on my bed, grabbing the book next to my night stand, but then something catches my eye. It was a magazine. I hadn’t seen this before. Picking it up I open it to a marked page.

Need an Escort? Someone to protect you or help you get someone back? Well, we got the person for you! Go to:

What the hell? Eric must have left this. I think to call him but then I think again and go to my computer.

I type in

A website comes up. It said:

Welcome to! If you are looking to hire someone to maybe escort you to a party, to help you get your loved one back, to be your mentor or protector, you have come to the ideal place! We are a website for people like you in search of help! While other websites of escort specialize on erotic entertainment, this one is different.

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