Chapter 3: "She's your girl?"

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Chapter 3:

                                       “She’s your girl?”

            Eric kept on rambling after I told him about Lexi. We were in the locker rooms. She had just said hi to me in the cafeteria and left.

“Dude! Why the shits did you not tell me sooner!?!” Eric screamed and I just shrugged taking a zip from my water bottle. I was about to run 5 miles. Need to be hydrated.

“She is fine! With the capital F-I-N-E!” Eric said now lowering his voice a little, since some guys started to look at us funny.

“I need to get myself one of those” he mumbled and I laughed.

“Well you shouldn’t be so surprised. You were the one who left that magazine in my table” I say and he frowns.

“I didn’t leave anything on your table. Tryst me if I had I would have a sexy babe next to me right now” He said and now it was my turn to frown. Who had left it…?

“Boys gather around” said the couch and everyone scooted close to him, sitting.

“Now, all you know we have a competition Friday and need to be fit and win it! So let’s go out there and run until our feet fall off!” the whole track team screamed “yeah!” while I just sat there, thinking about Lexi and about that if they ran until their feet fell off they wouldn’t be able to run in the competition.

They started to warm up. I started to do some push-ups and sit ups, stretching my legs. I wasn’t that much of an athlete as in Sports related, but in Track I was great. My slim figure helped me run fast.

“Oh yeah, work it” I hear a female voice behind me and a giggle afterwards. I turn my head to meet eyes with no one other than Lexi Jacobs. I avert my eyes to look at Eric, who was now looking at me wide eyed.

“Hi Gale” she smiled wide and hugged me from behind, then kissed my cheek. People were starting to look at us. I was confused but I said hi back.

Yet, before she could say anything else, Jake came. He was another one of Gabriel’s friends. He glared at me and looked at Lexi smiling

 “Hey Lexi, what are you doing here?” He asks her smiling. Lexi looks up at him and smiles back.

“Just decided to see the schools track team. See if you guys are kick-ass or not. Plus I came to say hi to Gale” she looks at me. It doesn’t even feel like I know her, like she’s supposed to be MY escort. It just feels like she’s another popular girl I have no chance with, like Skye.

“Him? You came to say hi to him? I didn’t even know you guys knew each other?” He says with an amused look on his face.

We don’t

I think to myself.

“But we do” she says poking Jake’s stomach and he laughs.

“Really? Ok how do you two know each other?” He asked me directly but Lexi answered first. Thank god.

“That is something that you don’t need to know” Jake shrugs and walks away, glancing at me like thinking What does this idiot have with her? I get up and start to walk over to where Eric was sitting but a hand gets hold of my hand and stops me. It felt soft and warm.

“Hey, don’t just walk away” She says and I turn.

“Sorry” I say and look at my feet.

She smiles. “Look at me Gale” She says and I look up slowly “Lesson number Uno, always look a girl in the eye. Makes her feel… Noticed, special. Got it?”

“Yeah” I say

“Good, So I’ll meet you after practice? You know to get to know each other” she asked

“Um…Yeah?” I ask back

She shook her head and mumbled “Wow, I got a lot of things to teach you” then walked away but not before kissing my cheek again.

As soon as she left, a random guy that I didn’t know at all came up to me and asked.

“She’s your girl?” I was too dumbfounded by the feel of her lips against my skin to even answer. Only a few seconds I realized he was looking at me funny.

I smile “Not yet”

Now, I have no Idea what possed me to say THAT but I’m glad I did because he patted me on the back and said.

“Good luck man, you get her, you’re at the top of the food chain”

Golden Boy: PrologWhere stories live. Discover now