CH 1: A Normal Day?

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A/N: hello so this story is in the process of being edited...that's all I really had to say I'm writing this at 2:25am rn and I'm tired


Thats all I could do


Are my feet even touching the ground?


Where am I even going?


come back....


dont leave us...


you belong here...


you'll be the greatest...





Jumping awake from the sound of my alarm I realize it has been going off for a few minutes and I slowly got out of bed looking at the time; 6:03 AM. when I get out of bet I slip on my house shoes and walk to the bathroom adjacent to my room.

Deciding to ignore the pounding headache and that weird dream, I start to brush my teeth. My phone rings on the counter and I smile seeing that its a text from my best friend.

Big headed Teletubby😍👽👹🤡😍
are you up because i just say the
most traumatizing thing outside my window

I told you its nothing to be scared of u just look
like the underside of the grinch's left
ass cheek when u wake up💀

Big headed Teletubby😍👽👹🤡😍

but fr what was it

Big headed Teletubby😍👽👹🤡😍
a squirrel got electrocuted on my power lines and now my mom is downstairs cursing out every single sqirrel
that has ever lived and wishing death upon the whole species because she was in the middle of making her coffee and the power went out😅

...ur weird i would've been laughing at the squirrel

Big headed Teletubby😍👽👹🤡😍
u laugh when childen fall out of swings...

*flew bitch, he flew out of that swing and
landed on his cranium in the sandbox💀💀😭and i laugh at CHILDREN not CHILDEN

Big headed Teletubby😍👽👹🤡😍

Big headed Teletubby😍👽👹🤡😍
ur a horrible person i would feel sorry for
ur future children

Dont im not having any but anyways i gotta
finish getting ready for school, ill see u at the
bus stop

Big headed Teletubby😍👽👹🤡😍
ok see you later

When I get off the phone I start to look for my uniform and remember that mom had washed it last night and is probably in the dryer. Going downstairs I grabbed my uniform out of the dryer in the laundry room after digging through the dryer and possibly bumping my head.

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