CH 14: Rejection Is My Middle Name

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We were all standing in that room for a while just talking until a bee came in. She started to call out numbers and look around the room. When she got to us, she looked at Michael first and said a number. 

"Prototype 31501," then she called Tyler, "Prototype 31708," then Yva, "Prototype 31706," then Jason, "Prototype 31504," and then me, "Prototype 31502." 

Her gaze lingered on me for just a second longer and then she moved on to the next person. "So do any of you guys wonder what our numbers are based off of because none of those aliens have called me by my name." Jason spoke up

"Yeah me either." Tyler voiced "You guys didn't already figure it out?" Yva questioned them as she reaches to scratch her lower back.

"I also would like to know what they mean." Yva rolled her eyes and put her hand in Michael's face. "I wasn't talking about you, only god knows what goes on in your brain. So, I didn't expect the cogs in there to be turning."

"I-okay." Michael just scoffed and walked away mumbling that he was going to go talk to other people for a change. "Anyways," Yva started again, " did you guys fall into a white room at the end of the trials?" 

They both nodded. "Okay so, did you guys see a chart with your names and other information about you guys?" They both hummed in agreement. "Alright so you must've noticed that we all have the same first number, right?" 

"Yeah, I did," Jason voiced. "Good you pay attention; well, that number means the world we are in well at least according to the aliens. And the second two numbers is our age, and the last number is our birth month." 

Jason raised his hand, "Yes Jason what question could you have after that very simple explanation?"

"But I'm not fifteen I'm sixteen, so mine doesn't make sense." Yva's eyebrows shot up. "Oh, well were you sixteen when you got here, or did you turn sixteen while you were here?" 

"I retract my question." Yva smiled clapped her hands together. "Ok well that solves that, any more questions?" No one said anything, "ok great." 

The bee then started to talk. 

"Starting tomorrow all of you will be undergoing the next stage of the trials." There were murmurs amongst the people in the room. "You will not be put through the same trials as the previous ones, those were to only awaken the abilities all of you have."

"Before we begin the test, I need all of you to step forward and place your hand in here." She held her right hand up in the air, then a sphere-shaped object appeared above her hand, hovering there.

She called the first number and a girl very short, shorter than me came up and the bee lowered her hand so the girl can reach the object. When she put her hand for it, it started to gravitate towards her hand. 

Then it started to break apart and envelop her hand, traveling up her arm and then over her shoulder and down her back. When it reached her lower back, I could see from under her clothes a faint blue glow and then the object retracted from her body and back into its original shape. 

(If you can't really imagine that just try to imagine the sphere as a ball of the nanotech from big hero six.)

After the girl walked back to where she was the bee called the next person and the process repeated again until she called Michael's number. 

When Michael walked up to her and she held the ball in front of him, he put his hand over in and instead of it traveling down his back, it went over his left shoulder and then traveled to his right shoulder. 

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