CH 18: Changing Spaces

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Me, Michael, and Caelum were talking an joking around, and then Jason came over. "Hey whats up?" 

We all turned to look at him and Jason looked Caelum up and down. "Oooohh careful Caelum Jason is sizing you up," he leaned over to Cealum and whispered loud enough for all of us to hear, "he's a man-eater." 

Caelum elbowed Michael in the ribs hard enough for him to double over but we all knew he was just being over dramatic. Jason smiled and stuck his hand out, "hey nice to meet you, are you one of Nadia's friends?"

Caelum looked at Jason's hand and then back at him, "Yeah I've known her since we were 10, and you?" Jason retracted his hand and put it in his pocket, "I met her today so I haven't known her for that long."

"Hm, right" Caelum said and we all just stood there and Michael was looking between the two boys.

Michael then teleported next to me and lowered his voice again to a whisper that wasn't very quiet. "There is definitely some sexual tension here," he said as he moved to point his finger at them. 

"Uh no?" Jason voiced turning to look a Michael. "Yeah Michael what the hell," Caelum joined in. "What, it was getting a little hot in here and one of you has a boner I was just stating the obvious." 

Both Jason and Caelum looked down and Jason put his hands in his sweater pocket pulling his sweater down a bit. "Mhm Yeah," "Shut up dude it's not because of him."  

"Oh, no, yeah sure totally not because he was turning you on, I get it dude, it's fine happens all the time." Michael said while coming between the two boys and putting his arm around both of their shoulders. 

While they continued arguing I walked away looking for Yva, and when I found her I turned right back around. Tyler's tongue was basically shoved down her throat and they were pressed up against each other in a corner. Tyler's leg in between Yva's and his hand's cupping her ass, while hers combed through his hair. 

"Damn, Nadia what's it gonna take to be able to get you to kiss me like that." "Ten thousand dollars and some really strong weed" I walked passed Michael not even stopping as I gave him my answer and then I bumped into someone. 

"My bad," I said turning around to look at who I bumped into. It was the girl that walked off with Jason earlier. Before I never got to get a good look at her because I was pretty tired. But now that I look at her she is really pretty. 

"No, your good, and I'm sorry about earlier, I- you know what, do you wanna go sit somewhere so we can talk?"  "Sure." I answered and followed her to a more secluded place in this spacious room. 

The bee that was at the front of the room had long gone and now people were doing the things they were doing before she came in here and talked among themselves. 

She grabbed my wrist and gently sat me down, "So Tatiana right?" I said and adjusted myself leaning back onto my hands and crossed my legs over each other. "Yeah, and what I wanted to talk to you about was Jason." 

I sighed and closed my eyes as I leaned my head back. "What about him" She glanced around the room and then looked back at me. "Is he gay? I laughed as my head came back up and looked at her. 

"Why would you think he's gay?" She began to laugh and put her head in her hands. I don't know-well during the trials or that obstacle course- whatever you wanna call it. He was acting all weird and shit with his friend."

"You know the black one with the dreads that's kissing your friend." I shuddered and mentally gagged, recalling the scene. "Well I can tell you that he's not gay, and his name's Tyler."  "Yeah, I know he clearly isn't gay but I'm talking about Jason." 

"I honestly don't know what you want me to tell you, I've only known the guy since today, so I don't really know." She scooted closer to me and stared into my eyes. "Alright, let's talk about something else then, like our abilities." 

Noting how quick she moved on from the subject I assumed that this is what she wanted to talk to me about in the first place. "You already know mine and I know yours but I can't really demonstrate it, so show me yours." 

I moved away from her a little bit and then looked back at her. "Is this why you really wanted to talk to me?"  She closed the little distance I had made, "Maybe, but c'mon, your ability is really cool and the things that you'll be able to do with it when you've mastered it, just show me." 

"As much as I would absolutely love to, I can't." She slumped down and smacked her teeth. "Why not?"  "Because I don't want to." Deciding that it wouldn't be the best idea to tell her that i don't know how to use my ability I lied and then got up. 

I started to walk away and then she followed me. "But why, it's not like I haven't seen it before?" 

When I was about to respond Michael appeared which is starting to get annoying. "My apologies but I must borrow the gorilla for a moment." He then teleported me and him somewhere else in the room. "I'm not a fucking gorilla Michael," "I know I know, forgive me ogress." 

I rolled my eyes, "what do you want, Michael." "Don't roll your eyes at me young lady, and the reason I wanted to talk to you is because I'm bored and doesn't it seem like we've been in here forever?" 

Now that he said something it does feel like we've been in here for a long time. "Yeah It has." "Well, because I don't want to get in trouble by myself I was thinking that I could try to get me and you back to our room." 

"Michael have you even thought of the possibility that this might actually get you killed."

"Us, it might get us killed." I raised my eyebrows and scoffed, "no there is no us, there is no we, there is only you , you will get yourself in trouble." 

"That's what you think" I narrowed my eyes, "what does that mean-." Before I could comprehend it I was back in the room that Michael, Yva, and I shared. "See Y/n all You need to do is use your big brain thinking skills and all problems will be solved." 

"Shit, Michael what if they realize that we're gone" he pursed his lips and deadpanned me.

"Pookers you need to calm down we are fine nothing happened." Nothing happened, nothing's happening, there are no alarms going off no one is bursting through the door and me and Michael are fine. 

"Besides don't you wanna sleep in a nice bed after all that time spent in a dentist chair." I did want to lay in my bed and have a non-drug induced sleep. But I still had a bad feeling about this. 

Hello beautiful people and that is the end of this chapter which took me way to long to write despite how short it is. I just had awful writers block and didn't know what to write.

word count:1.2k 

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