CH 2: Entering the Hive

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It was dark and I couldn't move, it felt like that for a while until I felt like I was falling. At first I was scared, really scared but then after time passed I stopped caring about the fact that I was falling and started thinking about other things. Like Kairo, is he ok, is he falling like me, what about my mom is sh alright, is she dead.

I don't know how long it's been but I'm still falling, still thinking, until I see light. It's so bright, blinding me but when my eyes adjust, I see bee people, but they have the abdomen part of a bee and the torso and head and arms are human like. they all look the same except for their hair but I can't see much because I'm still falling down a giant transparent tube. But there is one thing I know I saw and it was humans being pushed onto the ground and hooked up to giant contraptions.

There were so many people up there, but then it was dark again for a minute until I came to a stop and was gently laid down onto the floor. before I could even get up, I hear Kairo's voice, and he helps me up. 

"Oh my god Nadia are you ok" he looked me over and started to fill me in on the situation. 

"So, you're telling me that we were abducted by aliens and everyone here in this room is 13 and up but none of them are over 17." I Asked "Yep." he replied.  "And all of the adults are somewhere else on this ship." I continued. "yes" he said again. "ok so what about everything else down there, I mean what about your dog Kiko, wouldn't she die as well."  He gave my shoulders a reassuring squeeze but I could tell that he was just as nervous as I am.

Suddenly the landscape of the room we were in was changing and we were all up on a ledge that was overlooking a canyon and at the bottom was what looked like obstacles. They were so intricate and looked really dangerous. 

A voice from nowhere came and started speaking "Children of world 3 you have been chosen out of the 8,045,311,447 people of your kind only 379 million of you are a part of project honey."

It didn't look like there were 379 million people in this room it only looked like a couple hundred. People in the crowd have started to murmur about what the voice said.

"Silence children, your birthers are still alive and so is the rest of your kind but those of you who did not pass the entrance level have been assigned to be fuel for the mother." This time one of the half bee half human or whatever it was spoke as she flew down from God knows where.

"You all will try your hardest to pass the training trials and once you have, we will send you back to the new world where you will continue to gather power to sustain the mother." Now people were starting to freak out. 

"wait we have to go through that"

"how long are we going to have to do this for"

"there is no way that im going to make it through this"'

"I just wanna go home"

"no one will be able to do that"

"I dont wanna be here"

"Me too I wanna go home"

"No one will be leaving until the trials are completed" The bee lady had begun to stalk through the hoard of kids, who gladly stepped out of her way. As she was much taller than anyone else in here. Like twice as tall as the tallest person in this room.

"These trials are to make sure we can draw out each and every one of your powers that will be used to sustain the mother, they are also to make sure you don't die when you leave here as the conditions of the new world are very demanding and if you cannot meet those demands, when you leave your body would be burdened under the pressure of those demands, and you will not survive."

No one spoke, hardly even breathed everyone was scared and worried about what they have to do.

"Now, am I being understood" Those that weren't too scared to speak had replied with a bunch of different noises that mean yes. "Good now let us get started." 

OK finished with another chapter and so far im really excited to share this with other people and I hope you guys will enjoy it as mush as I enjoyed dreaming it

Word count:854  I'm such a good writer ╰(*°▽°*)╯ (sarcasm for those who don't know)

anyways a meme for no reason

True story it has so much depth to it😭

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