Chapter 1

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Cloverville, Massachusetts

Matthew's POV

"Get down here for breakfast!" My mother hollered from downstairs. It never fails. I climbed out of bed, my eyes heavy as a suitcase. As you can see, I'm not a morning person. I rather much sleep in, than having to face another day. I quickly went into the bathroom, and brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I saw a green crayon on the bathroom sink. My little sister, Jema, drew a happy face on the bathroom wall.

I left the bathroom, still in my pajamas, and walked downstairs, greeted by the intoxicating aroma of hot cakes, with side of crispy bacon, and scrambled eggs with pepper jack cheese blended in.

"Hurry up and eat," my mother demanded. "Jema, come down here for breakfast, on the double!"

There came my sister walking down the stairs, in her red nightgown, and red socks, whistling the Footloose song. She sat down across from me.

"Both of you aren't even dressed!" My mother protested. "Matthew, the school bus arrives in fifteen minutes!"

"I know, Mom!" I said, wolfing down my breakfast, like a hungry wolf eats his prey. I savored the cheesy sensation that was blended into these eggs. I poured some syrup onto my hot cakes.

"Don't hog all the syrup, food hog!" said Jema.

"Shut up, frog breath!" I shot back, stuffing my mouth with hot cakes.

"Guys, knock it off!" My mother warned. I finished my breakfast. I quickly ran up the stairs, against my mother's objections. I changed out of pajamas, put on a red shirt, black jeans, white socks, and white Nike sneakers. I also grabbed my backpack, and made it back downstairs. My mother gave me my lunch money, and she did the same for Jema, who was now in her school uniform.

"Bye, Mom!" I said, heading towards the door.

"Bye, honey!" sang my mother. "You behave yourself now!"

"Bye, dog face!" sang Jema.

"Bye, fish lips!" I sang back. I closed the door on my way out. I gazed at my mother's red 1977 Lincoln Continental coupe with a Massachusetts license plate in the driveway.

I ran to the bus stop, trying to warm myself up, against the frigid October chill. I made it to the bus stop, and waited for five minutes. The bus came into sight. I got on, and some other teens were scrambling to catch up, before the bus driver took off.

I sat down, and just stared out the window, as the bus was now in motion. I wish I didn't have to go to school today. I mean, Columbus Day was yesterday, so what I was complaining about?

I'll shut up now.

A/N Hey, guys! What did you think of this first chapter? What do you think of Matthew? His mother, and little sister? Sorry if this chapter was boring, but I promise things will get interesting for the rest of the story! Don't be a silent reader. Please show some love and support by voting, leaving feedback, and showing this story to others! Thanks, guys! Love you all!!! ❤✨❤✨ Shout out goes to my buddy MJKristo11 for making the cover for my book! Thanks buddy!!! ❤✨❤✨❤

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