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Past names:

Pinkmoon (Warrior name)

Pinkpaw (Apprentice name)

Pinky (Kittypet/kit name)



Age (Moons/years):

320 moons

26.6 years


Clan leader/Moon leader










Pinkstar is a brave and clever warrior who uses their small size to protect the clan she looks after, despite how great she is at fighting the pink cat would rather find a peaceful way to communicate with the enemy, but she is not foolish into believing she can talk the other cat out of attacking.

She is a cat who likes to help other cats in need and will go out to do as much as she can to ether help or save the cat in question, with the clanmates of her clan she is known to have a good relationship with most if not all of the cats.

Random infomation:

Pinkstar was inspired by the fact that Sphynx cats are my favourite breed of cats and since they can come in shades of pink, I decided that Pinkstar was the most suitable name for her.

Moonstar is Pinkster's adoptive parent and Pinkstar was fine with getting her warrior's name after Moonstar (Pinkmoon) as it's not uncommon for parents and kits to have names that ether is themed after a similar subject or another cat.

If I were to put Pinkstar into one of the original warrior clans (Thunder, Shadow, Wind, River, Sky) I would have made her into a Riverclan warrior as she doses enjoy swimming and catching fish.

Pinkstar is Aroace and would not have had any mate/kits.

Pinkstar was one of the original cats that I made even before Moonclan, as when I was designing a clan that I liked, I had made a group of five clans similar to the original clan but realized that the clans were too close feeling to the original clans that I ended up changing them.

Some information about the first version:

The five clans would have had one sole role for each, with the clans all working together and each had a leader of that group with a different fitting power (What gave the idea of Pinkstar's power), those would be in order. 

Kitclan: A clan run by a leader (Who is an adult) who's power would have been to make sure all kits are born health (With limitations), the clan would be the home for all kits, queens and elders. Kits/queens would join the other clans when they became/went back to being warriors.

The territory would have been in the middle of the map (What I had in mind) 

Pawclan: A clan run by a cat whose power would be to heal most sickness (With limitations), the clan would be the healers of the five clans and would not hunt food or fight/guard the territory.

Sightclan: A clan run by a cat whose power would be to be able to sense when intruders/enemies enter the territory (With limitations), the clan would the territory guards and would patrol the border lines.

Fangclan: A clan run by Pinkstar (Original draft of her character), the clan would be the fighters of the clans and would be the front line for any intruders or enemies that may come into their territory to attack them.

Noseclan: A clan run by a cat whose power would have been to make sure that they could find prey even in the worst weather (With limitations), the clan would be the hunters of the five clans and would not worry about guarding or territory marking.

Noseclan: A clan run by a cat whose power would have been to make sure that they could find prey even in the worst weather (With limitations), the clan would be the hunters of the five clans and would not worry about guarding or territory marking

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