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As blood pounds in my ears, I heard it and knew that this life of mine, the sins I have committed, the lives I've taken, there was no going back.

In this retched world,

I make the rules,

I am the law.

This is me now.

"Damon, you should know why I called you here. The meeting will be arranged tomorrow." My fists clenched, the weight of my father's words hitting me like a ton of bricks.

"But father-" "No buts!" He snapped back, his eyes growing cold as I felt the weight of his expectations crushing down on me.

"That's what it means to be a mafia."

I pushed my chair to the floor, eyes wide in rage.

"A mafia?! Are you serious? Are you fucking serious?! I don't want to hear that shit from you!" My voice exploded with frustration and defiance as my father's words stung my core.

"DAMON!" He snapped. "Watch your tongue...I'm warning you!"

"Where were you huh? When I fought all YOUR enemies, when I became this monster all on my own! Don't give me that responsibility crap... when you just handed this position off to me and left my life for 4 fucking years!"

His rigid voice grew, echoing off the walls while crimson eyes pierced through me.

"Callate la boca!
(Shut your mouth).

You ARE marrying that girl!" I snarled, my emotions boiling over me as I slammed my fist against the table. "I'm not going to marry some puuta because you want me to!

"Soy la mafia de español.. (I am the Spanish Mafia) I'll do whatever the hell I want."

He started towards the door, his silence cutting through the air like a knife, only adding to the tension. "Damon you are pushing 26 and still not betrothed! As my next in line, it is your duty to marry and provide an heir to carry out our family name! Don't be such a little boy."

"Whatever." I scoffed.

"Tomorrow, I want you to be ready at 9 am sharp. You might as well stay the night because you know better than anyone what happens to you if you decide not to show." He grabbed the silver handle, swinging the door open.

"Father," I gritted my teeth. "You of all people should know that I don't respond to threats." His eyebrows narrowed. "It's not a threat Damon, it's a promise." and he slammed the door shut.

"DAMN THAT STUPID OLD MAN!" I knocked all the paperwork from his desk onto the floor and chucked an expensive flower vase halfway across the room, the satisfying sound of glass shattering, echoing my frustration.

I took in a sharp breath, my rising anger cooling in accordance. "I need to blow off some steam."

I ran my hand back viciously through my hair, thoughts endlessly running through my brain.

Marriage? He can't be fucking serious.

Loading my pistol, I grabbed my helmet from off the table, then left out the back exit into the garage, the cool night air playing with my nerves.

This bullshit.

"Going somewhere my lord?"

The familiar voice of Hilde, my only trusted butler, broke through my thoughts.

"Hilde." He lowered his head.

"I haven't seen you in ages." A slight smile formed on my lips, but I quickly hid it away. "When your contract here expires, I want you to come work for me." I offered, feeling a brief moment of relaxation in his company.

A smirk curled at the corner of his lips as he fixed his mustache. "And would it be like the old days master? You running around, playing tag in the garden with not a care in the world?"

His smile faded. "Damon, you've grown so much, maybe too much even. Which you probably have your father to thank."

He started to carefully search my eyes, "I look at you now, those once bright emerald eyes, and do you know what I see?" He waited for my answer. "Nothing. Just a black void of emptiness. I might be a stupid old man, but I've heard of you, of everything you've done. And so it pains me to ask if you even know, what still makes you human..."

His voice paused, while he took a step closer to me, his eyes still searching mine. "Is it the blood that courses through your veins or maybe the love that you share for another-"

"Stop it!" I cut him off.

"Human, huh?!" My heartbeat quickened and I found myself red and completely out of breath as I let out a strained laugh.

"HA! My humanity has already been forcefully ripped away from me! So that term, being "human" means nothing to me Hilde! NADA!"

His shoulders tensed up, almost disappointed in the person I've become. I took a firm step toward him. "Damon, whatever this world has done to you, whatever you have done to this world, you need to remember who you are..."

"Tch, who I am?" I sucked my teeth, before placing my helmet on. "Your father doesn't want you leaving this estate until tomorrow."

"I know," I hopped on my motorcycle, "And I don't care." I paused, taking a moment to collect my thoughts. "Hilde, for me, there's no going back. This is who I fucking am now. A ruthless man who will kill anyone who gets in his way."

I averted my eyes. "Even you."

I started the motor and the garage door flew open as if on cue. Halfway out the gate I glanced back at him but he only nodded, already knowing the next words that were going to come out of my mouth. "Your father will not know. My loyalty is to you. My lips are sealed. I saw nothing."

With a slight nod I turned back around, gripping the handle tightly, facing the road ahead of me.


Deep breaths escaped me as I picked up speed on my motorcycle and disappeared into the moonlit night, the wind whipping through my hair.

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