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Finally we arrived at the floor. "Let's go, what are you waiting for?" I chuckled softly, the corners of my lips curling mischievously, "Step out of the elevator Astrid. They won't bite."

Her fierce punch landed on my shoulder, her features contorted in a mix of annoyance and a hint of playfulness, while her cheeks reddened to the point that she was heating up. "What a knee slapper Desmond, haha you are soo hilarious!"

That expression on her face...

I tried to hide my obvious smirk. It was one of the many reasons I loved teasing her.

"Anyways, what is this?" She looked around in awe. "Some sort of training boot camp? There are so many people..." "Sort of." I mused, gesturing towards the array of punching bags, boxing rings, and weights in the space all around us.

The loud atmosphere buzzed with a sort of intensity that was perfect for her.

Astrid, I sort of liked that name.

Ignoring everyone who bowed to me, I kept an eye on Astrid's interesting expressions and the way she kept cracking her knuckles.

"This is my training gym. This is where my men hone their skills before they fight and then die for me." Her expression hardened.

"I see..." she watched as more people joined practice fights, strength trained, or for others, perfected their shot.

Harrison, the overseer of my trainees, jogged over to us with a respectful nod. "How shocking. To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit, boss?" I scoffed. "Don't kiss my ass, Harry," while pushing Astrid forward.

"She's got a big mouth," I added, with a playful glint in my eye, "And I need to make sure she can back it up in any emergency."

A playful protest escaped her lips. "Hey! I'm still here you know!" I smirked, bending down until our faces were almost leveled.

"You're so short I almost forgot."

Then to top off the cake, I patted her head harshly, curious to see what kind of reaction she was going to have next.

"D-Don't.." her eyebrows twitched, "touch me!"

Harrison refocused my attention. "Mm well... considering you've never ever brought another lady here," a vein popped out of my skull and I coughed as loud as I could, hoping he would get the hint and move the fuck on.

Astrid couldn't hear that, or else she would start to get ideas.

But to me, she was no more than a passing interest.

"I'll train her." Harrison laughed, scanning her body carefully. She scoffed softly, whipping her head around to get a good look at him, "Quit acting like I need any of your help! I'll be just fine on my own." Disregarding her retort, Harrison's gaze met mine with raised eyebrows. "Big mouth...I do see what you mean now."

I always kept Astrid within arms reach.

"Where do you want me to start with her?"

"Hm.." With a casual demeanor, I started to unbutton my shirt, closing the distance between us. "W-What are you..." she stammered, her hand coming to rest on my chest, red blush creeping up her cheeks. "At a loss for words huh?"

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