Sheldon and the Witch

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"Little boy? Oh young las wakie wakie.... OI WAKE UP YOU STINKY LITTLE BOI"

Sheldon abruptly arose from his slumber. He was still face planted in the middle of the grocery isle with the frozen meals defrosted around him.

"Ugh. How long was I out?"

"3 hours"

"What!? How is that possible, I've trained my body to it's limit in sleeping so I don't pass out for more than five minutes. What's wrong with me?"

Sheldon suddenly remembered the grocery list and the missing cart

"Oh me oh my, my parents are going to be furious. I can't believe I failed in obtaining the food created by the list of mother!"

Sheldon pouted

"There there little boy"

Beside Sheldon was a very old women in a blue cape. She looked like someone no one would trust. She rubbed Sheldon on the back as he let out a quiet screech


"I can help you young las. But only if you trust me. Please accept my rose"

Sheldon slowly looked up to the lady. She had very crusty eyes and grey hairs twisted with the very few black hairs she had left. She was also balding, had black teeth, 3 toes, purple eyes, pointy teeth, a teeny tiny mole on her chin, and very shinny highlighter on her nose. Gripped in her slimy hands was a beautiful rose as red as blood.

Sheldon immediately responded with no hesitation

"Okay bet"

"Oh really? Normally people say no and I curse them. Away we go then"

The old lady spun in a circle. The lights flickered in the building and the walls cracked to reveal them standing in space then the old lady rose above the ground and revealed herself to be an average looking women. Sheldon tapped his shoe on the ground.

"Can we hurry this up or...."

There was then a bright flash of light. Sheldon had to close his eyes and when he reopened them. They were both standing back in the grocery store looking and smelling the same except the frozen meals were no longer on the ground and back in the freezer.

"Now then. I need you to get me hair of a pure Texan boi, teeth of a neighbor, and umm vampire blood."

"What! You're insane"

"Am not!!!"

"I'm going home! Never talk to me again. Creep"

"But what about the food."

"I'll order a pizza or something whatever"

Sheldon stormed out of the grocery store. As he made his way back home the air felt crisper and the streets echoed in silence. 

"Where is everyone? It's Saturday."

Sheldon made his way back into his home.

"Hello? Anyone home."

The Cooper residents was offaly quiet. His family should have returned from whatever they did during the day and been back by now.

"Sheldon? Is that you."

Sheldon walked into the garage. Georgie was sitting on the ground looking dazed.

"Georgie, where is everyone?"

"Beats me. I was doing my regular Saturday activities when suddenly I just woke up on the ground."

"Did you hear anything suspicious?"

"Oh yeah a toooooon of screaming. Ha. Is there some sort of Halloween thing going on outside?"

"Yeah definitely not. This is very concerning Georgie"

"Okay.....Hey! Did you get my cool whip?"

"Uhh no. Someone stole my grocery cart"

Georgie got up and grabbed Sheldon.


Georgie began to float and lift Sheldon up.

"Fasinating. When did you learn to do that."

"Sheldon!!!! You forgot my cool whip!!!!!"

"Okay... you can put me down now...."

Georgie would not let go of Sheldon he was enraged and hungry. 

"Georgie you have until the count of 3 to put me down. 1, 2, 3"

Georgie did not put Sheldon down.

"Okay you made me do this"

Sheldon ripped out a huge chunk of Georgie's hair. Georgie roared and dropped Sheldon then proceeded to bolt out of the house on all four while roaring.

Sheldon brushed himself off. 

"Jeez, someone's got an addiction to sugar"

"Jeez, someone's got an addiction to sugar"

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