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 It's Christmas Eve and I still haven't gotten everyone a gift. Also I need to get a ham for dinner tomorrow. Time to go last minute shopping! *insert sarcastic yay here*

  I don't know much about my new friend people, so this might be difficult. I go with eyeliner and mascara for Caroline, earbuds for Nelly, a Starbucks gift card for Gerard, curl taming cream for Ray, a Star Wars t-shirt for Mikey (I had to ask Claire what size), sunglasses for Bob, knee-high socks for Claire, and some guitar picks for Frank.

  RyRo is getting a flower crown (for his inner hippie), Lyn-Z is getting a new alarm clock, and Brendon is getting his own copy of The Princess Bride. I find a ham and get some green beans to go with it. When I take all the stuff up to check out, my total comes out to be $108.18, which isn't too bad considering all the people I shopped for.

  I go home and wrap the presents. I put the ham and green beans in the refrigerator. I then head upstairs and go to bed.

 "WAKE UP LAVENDER! IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Lyn-Z squeals. I roll out of bed and go downstairs for breakfast.

  "When is everybody coming over?" Lyn-Z asks.

   "Around noon I think. What time is it now?"


  "Alright, so we have about an hour and a half. I'm gonna go take a shower," I say, and clear my dish. After my shower, I get dressed in a Blink-182 shirt and jeans. I apply small amounts of makeup and put my hair up in a bun. 

  When I go downstairs, I find Lyn-Z struggling to bake frozen cookie dough. The kind that you take directly out of the package and then put into the oven. I help her out, she thanks me, then she goes upstairs for her shower.

  I check "make cookies" off the list of stuff to do, and look at the next item. "Hang up mistletoe." I find the small sprig of fake mistletoe, and tape it to the ceiling in the doorway going from our kitchen to our front room.

  I complete the other tasks, finishing at around 11:50, and just in time too! The door bell rings and Brendon and Ryan are standing outside with gifts.

  "Come on in guys!" I say and let them in. They set the gifts under the tree and Ryan takes a cookie.

  "These are good," he says, his mouth covered in crumbs. I smile and go to the door to let in the MCR crew when I hear a loud knock on the door. Lyn-Z finally comes downstairs and greets everyone.

"Presents?" Brendon suggests. Everyone nods in agreement and I run upstairs to grab the wrapped gifts that I had bought last night.  I put them all under the tree with all the other gifts from Lyn-Z and everybody else here.

 RyRo put on a Santa hat and took it upon himself to pass out the gifts while eating all the cookies. "That's Santa's job," he says. Yea right, it's just a way for you to get more cookies. 

  After a while of deciding who got to open the first one, it was finally decided that I got to. I open the one from Brendon, it's a cheesy card with a cat on it. Inside is a gift card to Barnes and Noble and a cheesy note about 'Merry Christmas Lavender, I love you so much, etc.' I pull Brendon into a hug and thank him.

  When Ryan opens his gift from me, he's both "what the fuck" and "oh my gosh yasss", mostly "yasssss" though. He puts his new hippie flower head band over his Santa hat and continues to pass out the gifts. 

  Mikey got Claire an Old Spice gift set, like one that you would see around Father's Day time, and Frank got Caroline some Disney Princess movies, good classic ones like Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, and a jar of queso. These are some strange couples, but I don't judge.

 At around 2:30, all the gifts have been opened and I decide to start making dinner. The ham has to cook for about an hour and a half, so while we wait, we watch Christmas movies like Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. 

 After dinner and desert (Black Forest and wine), everyone starts to head home, except Gerard and Brendon. Bob had a few too many drinks, so he was offered the guest bedroom, but Ray had driven Bob here, so he was able to drive Bob back home.

  "I find it a bit funny that nobody really noticed the mistletoe," I say.

  "Except Ryan, he had a whole conversation with himself and then kissed his imaginary girlfriend," Brendon says with a laugh. "Now where is this mistletoe?" 

"Lyn-Z already took it down," I say.

"Well who says you need mistletoe to kiss somebody?" Brendon asks then softly presses his lips against mine. 

"You know in Norse mythology the god of light and purity was murdered by an arrow made of mistletoe," I say. (I stumbled upon that information while on the mistletoe wikipedia page)

"Okay then little nerd, shut up and let me kiss you," Brendon says and kisses me again. This time I kiss back. We then decide to go take a walk around my neighborhood and look at the Christmas lights. When we get back, I turn on the T.V. and Brendon chooses the channel. 

"TLC? Really Brendon?"

"Hey, What Not To Wear might be on," Brendon says defensively. I roll my eyes and watch the stupid fashion show with him.

 It's been half a month since I've updated this story so I kinda owe you. Well here ya go. The characters Claire, Caroline, and Nelly from this chapter and the last one aren't mine. I stole them from Oolijku and clarpadarpa4. They both have pretty good MCR fanfics that you should check out. I have ideas for most of the story, just not really what happens next, so there might be a two or three year time skip to the Pretty. Odd. era. Anyway, hopefully I can update this story soon-ish and also update my FOB story. 


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