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"No, you come to my house," I argue with Brendon over the phone.

"Nooo, you come to my apartment," he argues back. "Pleeease," he adds. I can almost hear him making his pouty puppy face, which I give in too every time.

"Fine," I sigh. "I'll be right over." I put my phone in my pocket and start walking towards Brendon's apartment building. He meets me in the lobby and we go up to his apartment, where I'm greeted by an energetic ball of fur.

"Aww, he's so cute," I say, petting the dog on the head.

"Not as cute as me," Brendon says with a smile.

"Hah, you wish. Let's start planning," I say. The whole (well, main reason, I wanted to see his dog too) reason I came over was so that we could plan our road trip.

"Ok, ideas?" Brendon asks.

"Umm. We could go all the way across the country to New York and see Lady Liberty and the city. Or go to the nation's capital and go to museums and monuments and the zoo. Or both. I don't know," I say.

"Well those are better ideas than the ones I had."

"Which were?"

"I didn't think of anything," Brendon mumbles. Just as I predicted.

"Alright, well now that we sort of know where we're going, I guess we need to figure out when we'll go."

"Well, when do you have time off from work? I say let's go as soon as we can. From here to D.C., then to New York City, then back home. Should take about a week, if we manage our time well," Brendon says.

"I have 10 days off for the whole year. So that should be enough, since going from here to D.C. takes a day and 14 hours, then from D.C. to New York is about four hours, then from NYC to back here is a day and 17 hours. So total driving time will be about three days, which gives us two days in each city if we only take a week," I say, trying to remember all the numbers correctly.

"When did you have the time to figure all that out?"

"Before I left; Google Maps is pretty handy," I admit.

"Okay, well I like your plan. We still need to figure out what week we'll be gone. We could leave Sunday morning, the eighth, and be gone that week, then get back that Saturday night. And since it's the fifth, but only for about six more hours, we have two days and a fourth days to pack and plan. And I'm assuming that you're going to stay for dinner, I'm making Spaghetti O's," Brendon says.

"Yum. And yes, I am staying for dinner. Next week should be great actually, I'll talk to my boss. Let's make a list of things we'll need. A mixtape for the drive which I'll compose, clothes, food, money, whatever else we need," I list off. Brendon chuckles and makes an actual list, before heating up a can of Spaghetti O's.

"What kind of food are we going to be eating? I need to know since I'll be going to the store tomorrow," Brendon asks with a mouth full of sauce covered o-shaped noodles.

"Sandwiches I guess, I dunno," I shrug. We continue our planning party until 9, when I decide to head home, since I have work in the morning.

"Bye Brendon," I say, and kiss him before departing. I walk home in the dark (so spooky), thinking of the songs I can put on the cd that will annoy the crap out of Brendon.

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