I mean who's really even reading this besides like 3 people? But anyway here. It's been so long i s2g. I owe you:

I was on my way home from dinner with some friends (Caroline, Claire, and Nelly) when I bumped into someone. I muttered a "sorry, excuse me" and kept walking, not looking at the stranger. I heard the crunching of the leaves and footsteps behind me, I took a quick glance over my shoulder to find that the stranger was in fact following me. In the shadows of the night he looked big and somewhat scary, so I decided to pick up the pace of my homebound trek.

He too, starts walking faster, a speedwalk or a jog you could call it. Hell, it's getting scarier by the minute, so I start running. The stranger also starts running. I get up to my house and fumble with my keys. That's when the stranger stopped, gasping for breath, standing in front of my driveway.

"Lavender?" A familiar voice wheezes out, coming from the stranger at my driveway. I turn and see the last person I'd expect.

"Brendon?" I run up to him, and give him the biggest hug I've ever given anyone.

"I've missed you," he says softly into my shoulder, hugging me back.

"I've missed you too," I reply. I release him from my hug and smile.

"Wanna go get a drink or something?" He offers.

"Um sure," I say. We walk to a local bar together and catch up on each other's lives while consuming unhealthy amounts of alcohol.
Probably not the best idea.

I find out that three years ago he met a girl named Sara, and now they're engaged to be married. How nice (lowkey jealous.) His band is working on another album, but I already knew that. They lost Ryan and Jon after their second album, and now there's a Dallon.

(Ok update:all of that was on November 17th. It is now December 18th, I'm horrible I'm just gonna write the rest of what this chapter was gonna be on a new one cuz it's a weird transtion ok see you probably later tonight or tommorow idk or like next month/year lol who knows I'm horrible ok bye)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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