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"Ready to go?" Brendon asks, closing the full of junk trunk of his car. I nod and climb into the passenger seat, putting the cd in the slot. After Breadnoob (creds. to @oolijku for coming up with that) gets in and starts the car, I press play, the first song to play is Best Day Ever from Spongebob. And of course Brendon turns up the volume and sings along.

"IT'S THE BEST DAY EVER!" We both end up screaming along. The song ends and there's a bit of silence, then some holiday sounding music. I smirk because I know what's coming.

"O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree," the high pitched, squeaky voices of the three annoying as fuck chipmunks sing.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Brendon says and tries to skip to the next track on the cd, but I stop him.

"No Brendon. You have to suffer through the whole thing."

--time skip to 2013 because i have no ideas or motivation for anything happening at the moment in this story but i thought of something so yeah--

A year after Brendon and I met, we ended up breaking it off. He had fallen into a life of drugs and it was too much, so we both decided it would be the best thing to do.

His band has released two more albums, and another is supposedly on the way. Hmmmmm, what else? Oh, the music store I worked at got closed down, so I started writing and illustrating children's books, which has been going pretty well for me.

  The only other sorta important but not really thing about my life right now is that I've been single since Brendon and I broke up. Remember Ethan from the music shop? Yeah, well he kept trying to flirt with me. No thank you. I mean you're cute and all, but no thank you.

OH! I ALMOST FORGOT! Remember my friend Lyn-Z? She got married to Gerard and they have a daughter named Bandit, she's four now I think.

So yeah, that's life right now for me, nothing special.

so I'm not dead
I'm so sorry guys
It's been too long since I've updated
And this was a really short chapter
Just a plot filler really
The next one will be soonish hopefully and actual stuff will happen
Again, I'm so sorry.

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