Chapter 2

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AN: Italics are past and thoughts. Please leave some likes and comments. 

The first thought that crossed Arthit's mind when they pulled into the club's sparsely populated parking lot was that the supposedly new strip club didn't look very new—in fact, it was downright run down and ragged looking. 

"New, huh?" Arthit snorted, turning to give Tutah a vicious glare before the hastily blinking neon sign that hung on the side of the building caught his attention.

The joint's name—Table Top—flickered in curved cursive tubes colored pink and Green. It wasn't very attractive, or the slightest bit pleasing to the eye. It kinda reminded Arthit of a pregnancy test, especially when he saw the two posed, neon pink and blue, scantily clad man and woman just underneath the club's name. Blue for boy, pink for girl. It was awful.

"New-ish," Tutah said innocently with an added shrug just seconds before Arthit turned to face him again. Tutah was met with another harsh glare and then, an added jab to the shoulder. "Ouch, man, what the fuck was that for?!" he snapped, rubbing his throbbing shoulder as he met Arthit's glare with his own.

"New-ish?" Arthit practically growled out in obvious anger before he gestured wildly to the club behind them.

 "It looks like it's about to collapse on itself! And you expect us to eat there?!"

Wide-eyed, Tutah jumped to defend his suggestion. 

"It's not that bad on the inside," he vehemently insisted before undoing his seatbelt and pushing open the car door after slinging the strap aside. He looked at Knott—who hadn't said anything up until this point—and pinned him with a pointed stare. 

"You'll come in with me, won't you Knott?" He asked, sounding confident and self-assured as Knott looked up at the building again, the neon sign casting its blue and pink glow on his face.

It was a long moment before Knott replied. 

"Um, no?" he said, turning back to look at Tutah. "It kinda makes me feel like I'll catch something nasty if I go inside..." Knott added by way of explanation, shrugging at Tutah's outraged look. 

"What?! It's looks seedy!"

"Seedy! Where do you get seedy from?!" Tutah snapped harshly, obviously fuming as he glared at Knott and Arthit—who was now snickering at them—before huffing and crossing his arms over his chest. 

"You two are just too prudish!"

"Prudish? Where do you get prudish from, man?" Arthit asked, taken aback as he looked at Tutah in surprise. 

"I took you to your first strip club, you ass!"

Tutah's gaze turned onto Arthit now, and quite honestly, it didn't look any better than the stare Knott had been fixed with. But Arthit bore it like a man, his own eyes narrowing dangerously, almost daring Tutah to counter his words.

"And that shithole didn't look much better than this one!"


"Guys!" Knott snapped, interrupting Arthit before he had a chance to finish what he was saying and possibly spark a fight that could last for years. "We're already here," he pointed out, looking between the two of them. "A few minutes inside won't kill us."

Arthit snorted softly at that, his disbelief still obvious. It was looking as though he'd never be convinced to go inside. 

"No, but I'll bet you it'll be just long enough to catch Syphilis or Gonorrhea," he murmured in reply, mostly to himself, but that didn't stop Tutah and Knott from hearing it anyway.

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