Chapter 6

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He loved you.

He loved you.

He loved you.

He loved you.

He loved you.

He loved you.

He loved you.

He loved you.

He loved you.

He loved you.

He loved you.

Her words ran through his mind, bold and strong enough to imprint into his memory. Arthit wasn't sure why it mattered and he wasn't sure why he cared, but there was something profound about what May told him—Kongpob had, maybe once upon a time and no more, loved him.

He left the diner in a rush after nearly forgetting to pay for his coffee and now, he was back out in the night with no destination in mind, walking wherever his feet happened to take him. It wasn't very long before he found himself back in the parking lot, standing next to his friend's car. He stared up at the brightly lit neon sign, watching as it repeatedly flashed Table Top into the darkness.

The sign stood like a beacon in the foggy night air, a beacon that led him back to Kongpob even though Arthit stood beneath the soft glow of the sign, hesitating to go in. Even as he stood staring at the door, he knew that he'd go in and find Kongpob even if it was only to see if what May said was true.

He noticed, once he finally entered the bar, that fewer people were mulling about and engaging in the various questionable activities the club had to offer. Arthit thought, just for a moment, that the lack of people would make finding Kongpob easier, but then he caught sight of his two best friends sitting by the bar and drinking.

Tutah and Knott had yet to notice him, but Arthit felt his resolve waver. His friends provided an out that he couldn't afford to take at the moment, but the urge to grab onto it so he'd never have to face the reality bestowed upon him was strong. He resisted its lure, however, as he continued into the back of the establishment, intending on going to the room where he had met with Kongpob earlier in the night, with the hope that the younger man was still there.

The blue room was in his sight when Arthit was stopped halfway down the hall that led to it, a small, pale hand preventing him from getting there. He felt an impatient panic rise within him before he found himself turning, ready to snap at whoever stopped him, but he caught himself upon seeing a slight, red-haired woman smiling up at him.

"Looking for someone, love?"

The woman was exceptionally beautiful, almost inhumanly so, as she waited patiently for his answer as though she was used to men randomly clamming up around her. "Well?" she prompted him with a soft little chuckle, stepping closer to Arthit as her hand slid down from his shoulder to his chest.

She was pressed against him, completely invading Arthit's personal space with a mischievous spark in her hazel eyes. "Cat got your tongue, sweetie?" she purred, leaning up to him and she would've kissed him if Arthit hadn't turned his head at the last moment, her lips landing on his jaw instead.

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