Chapter Two - Smash Mansion

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Roy's eyes darted between the two swordsman who sat before him in the shuttle. Marth and Ike were discussing some of the newcomers. Roy, being a rookie himself, felt a little self conscious do to this.
"I believe that Lucario could defeat that Snake fellow" Marth said. "I'm sorry, but have you seen the amount of weaponry the man has" argued Ike "I'm not even entirely sure I could take him". "Well, we may get to see just that" said Marth "assuming this tournament isn't interrupted like last year".
Roy cleared his throat, reminding the others of his presence. "Erm, what happened last year?" Roy asked. The two veterans looked at each other. "Last year the stadium was attacked by something called the Subspace Army" Ike informed "lead by Ganondorf, Wario, and Bowser". Roy swallowed hard. "And those three are competing this year" he said. "Correct" said Marth.

Once the shuttle stopped Marth and Ike lead Roy into the enormous Smash Mansion. Marth waved to the other veterans when they passed in the corridors. Ike remained silent, his arms folded over his chest as they walked.
Marth and Ike showed Roy around the mansion. They passed Mario on their way to the cafeteria. He, Luigi, Peach, and Zelda were showing the rookies around. "Where are Pit and Snake?" Ike wondered aloud as they walked down the hall. "They both seem to be missing" Marth said. "I saw Pit standing at the station like he was lost in thought" Roy said "he must have been on one of the last shuttles". "So that just leaves Snake missing" Marth said, putting a hand to his chin in thought. "It doesn't affect us at present, so let's continue for now" Ike said, resuming his long, determined stride. Roy and Marth exchanged glances, then followed the red caped mercenary.
After an hour or two the duo lead Roy to a dorm room. "Here's where you'll stay for the duration of the tournament" Ike said. "Make yourself comfortable" Marth said "we'll see you at dinner". "Thanks guys" Roy said, stepping into the room "I'll see ya later". They left without another word, leaving Roy alone. He shut the door and flopped onto the bed. "Comfy" he said "I think I'll take a short nap".

Luigi watched from the back of the group as his older brother answered the newcomers' questions. *Man, he handles things so well* Luigi thought. The green plumber was envious of his brother's courage. While Luigi was plenty combat talented, he lacked the spine to back it up.
Luigi saw something out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head to see Wario sneaking into one of the rooms. Luigi pulled his hat lower on his forehead and followed Mario's clone.
The room was a neat, ornate lounge. "Nice place" Luigi said with a whistle. "What are you doing here!?" Wario demanded, turning to face Luigi. "I-I know when someone's up to no good" Luigi said, pulling his hat lower and glaring at Wario "I'm here to stop you from doing anything like last year". "Is that right?" Wario chuckled "you can't beat me. I fight your brother evenly, and you're nothing compared to him". "Why don't you just head back to your room, and pretend this never happened?" Luigi offered. "I'm searching this mansion for valuables" Wario admitted "and you're not going to stop me!".
The yellow Frenchman launched himself at Luigi with his flatulence. Luigi smirked, Wario's over confidence would be his downfall. Luigi hit him under his jaw with an uppercut, springing upward to give the attack more force. He followed it up with a back kick. This was a combination attack he had learned by watching Mario fight. Wario got back up and growled in frustration. He charged again, opening his comically large mouth wide, ready to take a bite out of Luigi. Luigi felt the familiar tingling sensation in his palm as green flames danced to life. He launched the fireball into Wario's helpless maw, causing the yellow clone to cry out in agony. "Time to finish this" the green-clad Italian said "I wonder if this will work". He charged his fire just as he saw his brother do many times, then launched it in a large burst, scorching his opponent. "That still wasn't as strong as Mario's" Luigi said, clicking his tongue. Speaking of the red plumber, he came flying into the room. "Luigi, what happened!?" he demanded. "Hey, bro" Luigi said walking past him "you should probably get him some medical attention". Without another word, he headed back into the corridor, and set out for his room.

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