The Nightmare Begins

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You awaken as your eyelids lift wildly. You winced and clenched your teeth as a sharp pain trickled from the back of your head and you reached up, only to find your fingers slightly covered in blood. Apparently, the fall made your head split slightly open. You shrugged it off and shook your head as the pain continued, only to find yourself sitting upwards as you glanced at the same window you had seen the event from last night. You shook your head and maybe you were just delusional that night, or so you thought because you were exhausted, looking down at the watch on your wrist to notice it was '5:34 AM'. 

With a struggle you had happened to stand back onto your feet as you fought your balance, going from side to side of the room. "Shit," you spoke. You felt extremely weak. Opening up your journey knapsack you took out the half-filled water bottle and drank the two days old stale water as it lingered in your throat. Screwing back the bottlecap, you unlock the front cabin door with the key. 'Clang' it made the noise as it dropped to the ground but you sighed not wanting to bend over just to grab the key, opening up the cabin door and then shutting it tightly behind yourself. 

Your feet tread the dew-filled ground as you wrap your arms around yourself to keep warm as you begin to look around for anything you are able to scavenge for. Something to at least mark your pathways, be able to find your way back and not to worry about being lost during the process of the adventure. You'd think leaves but the more you examined, they had all been the same exact color so that definitely wasn't one of the options you were looking for. There weren't too many rocks around to stack in a pile either. You held the back of your head as the bleeding slowed down, wiping the blood away from your hands on the tree bark. "Wait..." you noted while staring at the tree, "this will work if I make it quick to mark the trees with my own blood." You smiled as the idea seemed great, continuing to mark random trees around you. "One...two...there's the third one." You walked more, probably twenty-five minutes have passed and you remark ten trees covered along the way of your adventure. You smile again, rubbing your hands on your clothing to get rid of the dirt and old dried blood. Studying your fingers, you definitely needed to wash them somewhere so you began walking further and further into the woods. 

It was peaceful sounding with a few crows cawing above and it was quiet. About another half hour passed and you finally found a stream, kneeling down to sway your dirty hands in the water, as then you were satisfied and smiled, wiping them off your clothing to dry, and then stood up. You headed your way back to the cabin contently as you whistled a soft tune. The wind picked up, seeming so it might rain later on and bad thoughts flooded your mind. 'What if I can't find my way back' or 'What if it rains and washes away the marked trees' and 'What if that creature comes back tonight?' You shook your head, only continuing your soft utopian whistling. 

You had finally seen the cabin coming into more view as you quivered, the sight of the cabin door wide open. "What...Didn't Iock it before I left?" You looked down at your watch and it said '6:45 AM' and you shook your head again, only halting in your tracks. "Hello? Is anyone there?" you asked aloud and waited a moment but no answer came through. You slowly get closer and closer to the door with each step, now placing your hand on the knob, shifting your head around the doorway. Inside the cabin was half-lit by your flickering flashlight you forgot to shut off, and you stepped inside. "H-hello?" you say again. 'This is stupid' you thought, 'why would anyone else be stranded in the woods like this?' But then you had another bad migraine, holding the sides of your ears with both hands as a loud static amplified. It lasted for mere seconds but then went away, and so did your migraine. You stood in confusion as your eyes drifted underneath the table, and the knife was gone. Your heart drops quickly as your breathing is thrown off. 

Startled, you grabbed your cell phone from your knapsack and held it in the air to look for any service but there was no reception. "Fuck!" you cursed, "fuck..." you dropped to your knees and now felt hopeless. "Why me?" You covered your face with your hands and started crying as a few tears rolled down your burning cheeks. Suddenly, you stood, scurrying to find the silver door key. "F--" your words tread from your lips as you looked frantically. Your heart raced more, knowing the key wasn't anywhere in sight. You stopped searching. 

Another hour has passed, and yet jolting up from a lengthened trance, lifting your head up from your crossed arms. You began anxiously rocking back and forth, shaking your head again. You shiver as a cold wind blows through the opened cabin door. You glanced over and noticed something odd, you stood upwards, and walked over to the door, only witnessing the door lock was chipped, as if someone had tinkered with it to get in. 

You gulped back the saliva that built up in your putrid-tasting mouth. It's been days since you ate anything and you were feeling more lightheaded as the days went on. You began to feel confused and lifted the water bottle out from your backpack and drank the remaining water. It was now empty so you tossed it someplace in the cabin. Searching, you could've thought you saved a pack of saltines in your bag, but there were only crumbs gathered up in the bottom and you gasped. An eerie feeling made you feel unsettled, as you got up and looked around the cabin as a precaution. After the safety check, you went inside and gently shut the door behind you. You knew you weren't able to lock it so you shrugged and hoped for the best, feeling depressed, you lay down on a musty-smelling comforter, then drifted to sleep. 

You wake to the sound of pitter-pattering rain and the wind howls loudly as the cabin is almost pitch black. You click your LED watch and it says '3:32 AM' and you look surprised you even fell asleep for that long in the first place. Granted, you've had enough rest this night so you were feeling more content. Your eyes were wide open, suddenly staring motionlessly at the door, alike the trance you were in earlier. Your jaw felt tight as you felt your heart rate spiking. Slowly standing straight up, you never blinked. You felt you couldn't move out of the trance, but continued to stare. Out of nowhere, the cabin door slowly creaked open, as an uneasy feeling fled your mind. You tried to move your jaw to speak but you couldn't. All you could do was just stare...

There it was in front of the cabin door, something standing six feet tall was a bold figure with a white hoodie covering his head and body, dark pants, and quite muscular but very vivid to make out any other details. It was easily noted the figure had been staring downwards, you being unable to see the face, and only the sides of his lengthy sleek midnight-black hair dangling from the insides of his hood on either side. The figure was standing quietly and didn't move for a full five-and-a-half minutes straight.

You blinked abruptly, stepping out of the trance, noticing the tall figure vanished and was nowhere in sight now. You gasped, hesitating about your next moves. 

Run or hide?

Go To Sleep : Jeff The KillerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt