Dead Alive

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Your body twitched uncontrollably as you ran endlessly and then winced in pain from the wound on your head. It was a pounding headache, burning, and that burning sensation lasted for an hour time. You looked back to see if you could see anything, but Jeffery wasn't there. You continued to follow down the creek, the same stream you'd found in your earlier adventure travels. Or what seemed to be the same river as before, and why would the woods have multiple creeks? You swooped down to grab another scoop of stream water and drank it, the water flowing easier down your throat than the last time. Dehydration would be the last thing you'd want to be found dead for, and not only that but starvation. As you walked, a rotting rabbit carcass was found near a decaying stump. Your eyes filled with worry as you knew you needed more to eat to be able to carry on and eventually leave the forest if you had that chance. 

You grew closer to the carcass, finding hundreds of black flies swarming around as you winced and swatted most of the flies out of the way. There were still plenty of them flying around but you took a deep breath, lowering your hands. Your fingers tread underneath the cold carcass as the blood starts dripping out from the bottom of where you held it. Gagging, the smell was almost unbearable to handle and you held the carcass shakily as you brought it closer to your face. You closed your eyes very tightly, a few tears dropping from your cheeks. Being hesitant, you waited for the right moment because your stomach was in knots. A bit of throw-up reached the inside of your mouth as you swallowed it back to fight it off. The carcass was retched, ugly color inside where the muscles of the rabbit were falling off the beige-colored bones, alike a tender meat roasted in a crockpot, as the meat falls off from the bone. You finally got yourself enough confidence and took a big bite of the rabbit's flesh as you gagged, fighting it off again. Coughing, you ripped a piece of flesh off from its bones and began chewing slowly. It was devastating, disgusting, and half-eaten now, as you were forced to swallow down the bite of flesh. The flesh felt like a rock slowly sliding down your throat as you gagged more and more. "Fuck..." you cursed and fled into tears, throwing the carcass to the ground angrily. As you were crying, the tears running down your face, you had a blurred vision of a figure running past you. You quickly and quietly wiped your tears away and glanced in the direction. 

"Jeff you fucking bastard, show yourself!" you screamed as your voice echoed. "I know you're there."

It was quiet, but you kept your eyes peeled. Then something rattled close by, a very strange noise never heard before and it was bloodcurdling. Your eyes widened by a particular sound though, the sound of Jeff's brief stabbing. A loud whoosh and crack were heard as something swung near the upper trees. You flashed your light towards that way and jumped out of your skin as you saw a body hanging from ropes from a tall tree branch. The body was motionless, the blood pouring from its chest cavity. "Jeff, come on you freak!" you growled as you grabbed your axe from your side and held it. Your flashlight began flickering, static noises but you didn't budge. A rustling to the left, you looked. Nothing. Then to your right. Nothing. 

Waiting around made your adrenaline rush through your veins. "Jeff?" You started to spin every which way with the flashlight, trying to focus. Something caught your eye, so then you backtracked the light in that direction as you noticed Jeff's illuminant white orbed eyes were staring at you, he crouched down with his knees bent, arms dangling in front like an animal ready to pounce. A grimacing smile was sent to his mouth as the scars lifted to his cheekbones and he laughed. He coldly spoke, "Missed me?" But then he was quiet as he cracked his neck and his fingers one by one and then held his knife to his side. "It would be a pity if I killed you too soon." His smile widened as his features transitioned darker. "What if we played a game?"

You tilted your head at him as you stepped a foot backward and studied his moves. His lips began moving again, "...One....Two..." he mouthed almost softly as he counted, not moving his gaze from you or his body. "...Three....Four..." he continued counting. Something about this made you feel uneasy and suddenly queasy. His eyes began glowing more as you watched, his fist clenching tighter to his steel knife. "...Five." His words stopped as he still didn't budge any. You backed away again, this time holding your axe tighter. Fear couldn't stop flooding your mind as you felt frozen in shock or what lies beyond this moment with him. 

A full four-and-a-half minutes of him crouching extremely lifeless, it was so unhuman-like. Almost demonic in a way you have seen his jaw tightening as you took another step back. He was noticed as having a disturbed state of mind, twisted, and disassociated with the time that passed by. Jeff began laughing as it echoed. "Circle..." he began saying slowly, "...of..." his laughter became deeper, "death!" He stood up in seconds, his enraged eyes staring and he clenched his other hand, steadying his knife in front of him, and started darting full force. You lifted your axe in your arms and counter-attacked his knife a few times. His breath reeked like that rotting carcass you couldn't stand earlier. 

Fighting back, you smirked as you kicked one of his legs, he stumbled backward a bit but caught his balance mid-way. His arm swiped his knife again as he missed you by an inch. In frustration, he growled and taunted, "GO TO SLEEP!" as he forcefully inserted his knife into your chest as you screamed helplessly. 

"Fuck you, Jeff...Go to hell!" You shoved him away as the knife pulled from your chest, and then you kicked his right leg again as he fell, getting caught in one of the bear traps that dismembered his left arm. He cried a lot, still that scorned look on his face as an expression. Blood spurted out of his arm cavity as he held the knife in his other available hand. Wildly, he attempted to crawl, aimlessly swiping closer to one of your ankles but he wouldn't in the time you stepped away. Your axe lowered down onto him as it halfway cut through his wrist as he let out another scream, "Bitch!"

Your mouth turned into a grin, "Who won the game now?" And there it was, the axe lifting upwards again and going straight down. 

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