Undefined Happenings

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You have awoken as your body twitched awake and you yawned and looked down at the axe still lying in your lap. Your back had a sore pain from leaning against the tree bark but you got up now, licking your dry lips and then rubbing your eyes. You were shocked as you glanced at the time on your watch, and it said '4:56 PM'. 'I slept in that late?' you thought and shook your head. It was now currently day four being lost in the woods. You noticing the rustling as the lost paper swayed along the earthly ground, as you hurried your pace to catch it from flying away with your foot, kneeling down to pick it up. As it were in your hands, you folded it up for keep-sakes and placed it roughly into your pocket. 

You felt tranced now, realizing the thought that you were completely stranded so you studied your axe. 'The blade...maybe I can...' you trailed and nodded your head in good thoughts. Your pace was quicker, as you lifted your axe to the tree and started chopping it down. One by one you kept chopping it down, now forming narrow and thickened logs. You placed them evenly producing a box-like shape as you began to build your own cabin. Fixing a few open places between the logs, you tweaked twigs and shoved leaves in the corners. After hours of building to your liking, you built a small doorway for which only was good enough for yourself to crawl through. It was now '8:29 PM' at night and you smiled, running to grab some more logs, a few sticks, and on your way, you'd found some string. Your smile grew more and it clicked into your mind so you grabbed what was the heaviest rocks you could find. Since it were pitch black, you knelt down and kept the flashlight held into your mouth as you tied the string, double knotting, triple knotting both of the opposite sticks, now placing them adjacently across from one another. On each side you pounded the rocks deeply into the ground to keep the sticks in place. "Perfect!" you spoke as you turned around and went to your own cabin, crawling inside. 

The cabin was very small of space but it would work for a few nights time if you needed someplace to stay. It had a roof, very secure because earlier you climbed on top of it and jumped to see if it budged but it didn't. Very bland, but had a tiny crevasse for which you could see through to see if anything was around you. So you sat near the space and stared for about an hour. Finally at last...

Jeff's laugh was heard as it got louder and louder. It was coming from the right side as you peeked from the hole. "Ha...." it was heard from a distance as then it got quiet. A snap. Then quiet again. Your fist tightened against the axe as you grin, waiting, waiting, and waiting for the moment. Quiet...too quiet...

'BANG!' was an unknown sound on top of your cabin as you glanced up towards the roof but stayed quiet. You heard what sounded like footsteps as it tread to the front side of the cabin. Then it was quiet once more. A scraping noise across the cabin as you coward down a little bit from your spot, holding the axe closer to your chest. You took deepened breaths as you focused. The footsteps thumped down as the scraping stopped, spotting the backside of Jeff as he walked away from the cabin monsterously, his back sort of hunched, but he straightened it as he cracked his spine, now creaking his head as it let out a loud popping sound. 'Yes, yes go!' you thought as you watched Jeff walk closer to your contraption. 

You smiled greatly as Jeff yelped wildly, tripping over and ending onto his stomach, getting caught between the many strings that were attached to the trap. He was strangling to get out, as you desprately crawled out of the cabin and darted his way, lifting your axe in your hands above your head. With compressed force, your axe lowered down as you spiked him between his shoulderblades as he screamed, "Bitch!" He snarled, trying to reach back to grasp the axe, and he tried multiple times but kept failing. His head snapped your way as his face held a sinister grin, grasping one of your ankles and pulled you down, as you've stumbled to the ground, fighting for your axe from his back. Luckily, you crawled out of his reach and strained the axe from his spinal cord area and retrieved it. You stood, as the axe steadied upwards, haulting into Jeff's shoulder for the second time, blood spurting everywhere and staining the brown dirt ground. Jeff was laughing crazily this time, attempting to get up with his arms in front of himself as he reached for his knife and held it in his hands. His arms shook as he began to put a leg in to slowly stand up. He stood tall and laughed more, "Haha....HAHAHAHA..." his eyes glimmered as he stared coldly, "You thought...you could kill me?" His knife raised upwards as you hit him in his left rib area as he yelped in pain, "You fucker!" The knife pierced halfway into the middle of your chest as you screamed suddenly, watching the blood pour out of your body. Jeff witnessed your fear, "Aren't we even now?" He looked like he grew a little in length as he kept a steady, crazed glance and chuckling aloud. He began to shove the knife into your chest with added force, watching you wince and scream each time. He bit his lip lightly and began to intently twist the knife in one direction. You could feel a very hot burning sensation as he did, each second of pain increasing. You caughed up blood with weakened eyes, eyeing the axe that was still compressed into his ribs. You pulled the axe slowly towards yourself as it cut through his flesh even more, amazed by the thought that he was fully in place and ready to be slain. 

It seemed as if he could read your thoughts and he tilted his head with his gaze not moving from your face as he leaned closer, his grinning widening, "...Hah...AHAHAH!..." He violently turned the knife a 360 degrees as you screamed in horror, almost losing your full balance. Your heart pounded in your head and flooded your ears as it became muffled. You jerked backwards as his knife pulled out out from your chest, screaming again. A static noise was heard, and you gulped, and which caused Jeff to be curious as he looked manically for the strange static noise. He suddenly clutched his knife and frowned. As you ran away, keeping an eye on Jeff, a tall tree-like entity had arisen out of nowhere. Jeff shrieked as he was pulled by the creature's black sleekened tentacles, stabbing the entity many times in the tentacle that was holding him as he was struggling to be freed, "Asshole! Let me go you little shit!" In fright it was definitely a horror to see as the figure had no face at all, deepened bone structure in what seemed like the eye area. The creature turned his gaze towards your way, raising his tentacle that was holding Jeff, then throwing Jeff a few hundreds of feet into the air in the woods. You could hear his screams echoing as he was thrown. 

Running as quickly as you could, the figure followed you as it used it's tentacles to run, climbing over the trees. He was about ten feet tall, slender legs, slender arms...then you remembered him years ago...He was the figure in your memories...The missing person's papers: 'A slender man found with no face that dwells in the woods and hides in the dark.' 

In complete fright, you glanced back again as you seen Jeff flit jump into the air supernaturally, stabbing the slender man in his torso. The two fought deathly, taunting each other as Jeff continued to rage. Jeff swiped and swayed his blade to fend off the attacks as blood poured from his mouth, his rounded white orbs in his eyes glowing in the darkness. He was determined to kill anything that moved or even breathed. He dodged many of the slender man's attacks, counteracting them out with multiple stabs. The slender man's blood splattered the place, a dark color as your flashlight flickered. "Fuck!" you sneered angrily as you kept running, terrified by the two horrors. "As if..." you panted, "It couldn't get any worse!"

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